Thursday, November 14, 2019

“This Is Unacceptable”: Ex-Congresswoman Who Voted to Impeach Nixon Says Trump Is a Rogue President

The public phase of the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump began Wednesday, with testimonies from two witnesses: George Kent, a deputy assistant secretary of state, and William Taylor, a former ambassador and the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine. The hearing brought forth new details about a previously unknown phone call in July between President Trump and Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union. Both Kent and Taylor expressed concern over the role President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani had in dictating U.S. policy on Ukraine. We speak with Elizabeth Holtzman, a former U.S. congressmember from New York who served on the House Judiciary Committee that voted to impeach Richard Nixon.

White Nationalists Are Running the White House

The Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch report on the leaked emails of Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller shows the deep connections he has to racist white nationalists.

Kein britischer EU-Kommissar : Johnsons Signal

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Wahlkampf ist offenbar wichtiger als internationale Verpflichtungen. Boris Johnson zeigt der EU ein weiteres Mal, was er von ihr hält – keine guten Aussichten für die künftige Zusammenarbeit.

Boris Johnson hat gesprochen. Großbritannien werde bis zur Unterhauswahl keinen Kandidaten für die neue EU-Kommission benennen. Unabhängig davon, was dies für die Installierung des Teams um die gewählte Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen bedeutet, sendet der britische Premierminister damit ein unmissverständliches Zeichen.

In einer Hinsicht kann man den Wahlkämpfer Johnson ja verstehen. Er möchte nicht den Hauch eines Zweifels daran aufkommen lassen, dass er es gar nicht erwarten kann, sein Land endlich aus dem „Gefängnis“ namens Europäische Unionherauszuführen. Aber es wird eine Zeit „danach“ geben, egal wie die Wahl ausgeht. Und Johnson hat eben auch gesagt, dass die EU auch künftig ein wichtiger Partner Großbritanniens sein solle und werde. » | Ein Kommentar von Peter Sturm | Donnerstag, 14. November 2019

Donald Tusk Urges British Voters Not to 'Give Up' on Stopping Brexit

Outgoing European Council President Donald Tusk has urged British voters not to "give up" on stopping Brexit.

As campaigning ramps up ahead of next month's general election, he warned that leaving the EU would leave the UK a "second-rate player".

In a speech, he also said Brexit would likely mark the "real end of the British Empire".

Read the Telegraph article here »[£]

Hear! Hear! – Mark

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Saudi Arabia Defended by Conservative MP, Daniel Kawsczynski (January 2016)

Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski speaks on Saudi Arabia.

Opinion: The Toxic Relationship between Britain and Russia Has to Be Exposed

THE GUARDIAN: Russian money is poisoning the UK, yet Boris Johnson continues to suppress a report into this matter

Someone in Downing Street calculated that it was less embarrassing to suppress the intelligence and security committee’s report into Russian interference in the UK than it was to publish it.

Boris Johnson’s refusal to allow voters to read the report made waves in parliament a week ago, yet the election campaign has offered a convenient distraction since then. The government can survive one uncomfortable news cycle; but a 50-page report full of revelations about rich Russians funding political parties and associating with politicians, as well as Russian bots meddling in the referendum, could have fed the media for days.

The report will only emerge once we have a new parliament, by which stage any revelations it contains will have lost their power, and thus be safely ignored. This is a shame, because the toxic relationship between the Russian and British elites is something that needs full exposure. They have been collaborating to their mutual enrichment, and to the detriment of democracy and accountability everywhere, for decades. » | Oliver Bullough | Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hong Kong on the Brink of a Total Breakdown? | DW News

A Hong Kong police chief has said pro-democracy protesters are pushing the city to "the brink of a total breakdown". The last two days have been among the most violent since the demonstrations began five months ago. The main flashpoint has become the university district, where there have been clashes between demonstrators and police.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Uber CEO's Outrageous Take on Khashoggi's Death

Uber CEO’s outrageous take on Jamal Khashoggi’s death. John Iadarola and Brooke Thomas break it down on The Damage Report.

Bolton Slams Trump, Suggests Foreign Policy Guided by Personal Interest | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Former national security adviser John Bolton derided President Donald Trump’s daughter and son-in-law during a private speech last week and suggested his former boss’ approach to U.S. policy on Turkey is motivated by personal or financial interests, several people who were present for the remarks told NBC News. Aired on 11/12/19.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Behind Trump’s Dealings With Turkey: Sons-in-Law Married to Power »

Daniel Kawczynski Marries Long-term Partner in House of Commons Ceremony

SHROPSHIRE STAR: Conservative parliamentary candidate for Shrewsbury Daniel Kawczynski took a break from campaigning to get married.

Mr Kawczynski wed his long-term Brazilian partner Fernando at a civil partnership ceremony at the House of Commons on Saturday afternoon.

The 46-year-old received hundreds of messages of support and congratulations on social media, including one from the leader of Telford & Wrekin Council, Councillor Shaun Davies.

The pair have not always seen eye to eye, often clashing over issues such as healthcare, but Councillor Davies put political differences aside for one day. » | Aimee Jones | Shrewsbury | Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hillary Clinton 'Dumbfounded' UK Government Won't Release Report on Russian Influence

Hillary Clinton has said she is 'dumbfounded' as to why the UK government has not yet published a report on alleged Russian interference in British politics. Speaking to BBC's Radio 4 Today programme, the former US presidential candidate said: 'Every person who votes in this country deserves to see that report before your election happens.' UK government delay of Russia report is shaming, says Clinton

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Billionaire Class Is Scared. They Should Be

Bill Gates doesn’t like the idea of having his excessive wealth taxed to the degree that Elizabeth Warren wants to tax it. Jeff Bezos isn’t happy about Bernie Sanders repeatedly calling out his unethical treatment of workers. All over the country, billionaires are running scared of what’s on the horizon, and its about time. They’ve had it too good for too long, while screwing the very people who they depend on. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

UK Government Delay of Russia Report Is Shaming, Says Clinton

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-secretary of state says it is unacceptable to keep report from public before election

Hillary Clinton has called Downing Street’s suppression of a report into potential Russian infiltration of British politics “damaging, inexplicable and shaming”.

The 2016 US presidential candidate told the Guardian it was “incredibly surprising and unacceptable that in your country there is a government report sitting there about Russian influence and your current government isn’t releasing it”.

The potentially incendiary report by the intelligence and security committee has already been approved by the intelligence agencies. Downing Street was sent a final draft on 17 October and had been expected to sign off the report by the end of last month.

However, No 10 indicated that the parliamentary report would not be made public before the election, citing a sign-off process that it said could take six weeks. The chairman of the committee, Dominic Grieve, called the decision to delay publication “jaw-dropping”.

Clinton said: “I mean, who do they think they are that they would keep information like that from the public, especially before an election?

“Well, I’ll tell you who they think they are. They think that they are the all-powerful, strong men who should be ruling,” she said, linking the suppression of the report to a rising authoritarian turn in western leaders. » | Charlotte Higgins | Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Royal Family Lead Britain's Remembrance Sunday Tributes at Cenotaph Service

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: The Royal Family led the nation in paying respects to its war dead at the traditional wreath-laying service at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.

Political leaders, including Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Labour's Jeremy Corbyn, took a break from election campaigning to attend the service at the memorial on Whitehall in central London.

Hundreds of armed forces personnel were also present at the occasion, alongside Cabinet ministers, religious leaders and representatives of Commonwealth nations.

As Big Ben struck 11am, a two minutes silence was observed, with its beginning and end marked by the firing of a gun by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery.

Buglers of the Royal Marines sounded the Last Post before wreaths were laid at the Cenotaph by members of the royal family, politicians, foreign representatives and senior armed forces personnel. » | Telegraph Reporters | Sunday, November 10, 2019

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Waking the Titanic | Titanic Documentary | Timeline

Between 1850 and 1920 over 3 million people – half the population – emigrated from Ireland, escaping desperate poverty. Believing America to be a saviour and a life of hope, the ‘Addergoole 14’ saved fiercely in order to afford a ticket aboard the Titanic and escape to the land of dreams. Told using interviews with the descendants of survivors, these are new perspectives of the conditions on board, and the events of April 12th 1912. Focusing not on the glory and fate of the ship, this new look at a famous tragedy uncovers ordinary lives and fragile hopes of the community that lost more that fateful night than any other.

Titanic: The Facts Told by Real Survivors | British Pathé

Dispel myths and garner new insights into the Titanic with archive footage and interviews from real survivors.

On 14 April 1912, on her maiden voyage, the passenger liner RMS Titanic hit an iceberg. More than 1500 men, women and children perished. This is a short television documentary about the sinking of the Titanic, including interviews with survivors talking about their experiences and their escape.

On 14 April 1912, on her maiden voyage, the passenger liner RMS Titanic hit an iceberg. More than 1500 men, women and children perished. This is a short television documentary about the sinking of the Titanic, including interviews with survivors talking about their experiences and their escape.

Friday, November 08, 2019

Lawrence and Rachel on 'Anonymous' Book: ‘This Is a Warning about Danger to the Country’ | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow discusses with Lawrence O’Donnell the excerpts from a damning new book about Trump written by an anonymous senior Trump official. Rachel tells Lawrence that the tone of the book is that people who keep their jobs to try to thwart Trump's worst instincts is not enough. The president is too far gone for that to work. Aired on 11/07/19.

Today’s Economic Update: Protests around the World

Another Greedy Billionaire Enters the Democratic Race

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is expected to officially enter the 2020 presidential race, making him the 2nd billionaire to fight for the Democratic nomination. Bloomberg is entering the race because he sees that Biden and the other centrists are fading fast, and he doesn’t want to pay more money under a Sanders or Warren administration. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance with Somebody