Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Eugene Robinson: ‘Trump’s Obama Envy Is Getting Even Worse’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Eugene Robinson joins Morning Joe to talk about his new op-ed in The Washington Post about Trump’s obsession with comparing himself to President Obama and his behavior at the G-7 meeting.

Cuomo Fact-checks Trump's Claims of Genius

CNN's Chris Cuomo examines President Trump's claims of genius and instances where he says he knows more than anyone on particular subjects.

Americans need to vote Trump out of office – “do or die”! – Mark

How the World Is Moving On from US Leadership | Deadline | MSNBC

NBC and MSNBC’s John Heilemann, Georgetown University’s Elise Labott, former deputy national security advisor for President Obama Ben Rhodes, and former congressman David Jolly on how the other members of the G-7 dealt with Trump at the global summit, as he went out of his way to excuse the actions of some of America’s adversaries

Monday, August 26, 2019

Will Iran Respond to Israel's attacks? | Inside Story

Israel has been blamed for a string of attacks against Iranian-allied forces in three countries over the weekend. That has raised tensions across the Middle East.

Early on Monday, three Israeli air strikes reportedly hit a base belonging to a Palestinian group in Lebanon - in the town of Qusaya, near the border with Syria.

Those attacks came a day after two Israeli drones caused damage in Lebanon's capital, Beirut. One hit a building housing the media office of Iranian-backed Hezbollah in the city's southern suburbs. Another Israeli drone exploded in the air, in the same area. And on Saturday, Israeli forces carried out drone attacks in Iraq and Syria.

One is reported to have killed a fighter from Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces. Israel did not respond to accusations that its assault killed at least one fighter from Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces. But Benjamin Netanyahu says an operation in Damascus which triggered Syrian anti-aircraft fire, was to prevent a drone attack on Israel by Iran.

So, why is Benjamin Netanyahu escalating tension with Tehran?

Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests: Seth Frantzman, Middle East Analyst for the Jerusalem Post; Mohammad Marandi, Iranian Political Analyst and Professor at University of Tehran; Sami Hamdi, Editor-in-Chief of the National Interest journal

Boris Johnson: Donald Trump 'Out Of His Mind' over Radicalised London Comments (2015)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Former Fox News Reporter Unloads on Trump’s Embarrassing Conduct | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

President Trump is heading to France for the G-7 to meet with national allies and wondering what will happen this year. In this video, you’ll see past Trump debacles on the world stage. Former Fox News political reporter Carl Cameron says the visit brings international pressure as “we have to think about our national reputation, worldwide now” as Trump is consider a “world leader” but is not “leading.”

Boris Johnson Seeks Legal Advice on Five-week Parliament Closure ahead of Brexit

THE OBSERVER: Secret plan to block any delay in leaving EU is likely to anger European leaders at G7 summit

Boris Johnson has asked the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, whether parliament can be shut down for five weeks from 9 September in what appears to be a concerted plan to stop MPs forcing a further extension to Brexit, according to leaked government correspondence.

An email from senior government advisers to an adviser in No 10 – written within the last 10 days and seen by the Observer – makes clear that the prime minister has recently requested guidance on the legality of such a move, known as prorogation. The initial legal guidance given in the email is that shutting parliament may well be possible, unless action being taken in the courts to block such a move by anti-Brexit campaigners succeeds in the meantime. » | Toby Helm and Heather Stewart | Saturday, August 24, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 23, 2019

Opinion: Exclusive Interview: Honest Israeli Jew Tells the Real Truth about Israel (2014)

Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives.

Through his father's deep knowledge of the Israeli war of terror, together with his own research, Miko Peled ruins the myths surrounding the Israel and Palestine situation, and delivers a truth so damning that many Jews and Israel supporters will not be able to bear it. He reveals facts such as the original expelled Jews are not the ones returning, and they are not their descendants either, covers the double standards regarding the right of return, which doesn't apply to Palestinians, and dispels the myth that there has been a conflict for ages by producing proof that it was peaceful up until 1947 when Israel launched their illegal attacks.

It is a true eye-opener for anyone who has for too long been blinded by the fake misinformation given by the mainstream media, and the truths come straight from the heartland where he has spent many years documenting the real story.

Why a Former Islamophobic Politician––Arnoud van Doorn––Accepted Islam

Digesting the President’s Absurdities as Allies Privately Worry | Deadline | MSNBC

Republican strategist Rick Wilson, Politico’s Nancy Cook, former managing editor at TIME Magazine Rick Stengel, Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude, and former White House aide Elise Jordan on Trump’s chaotic week as new reporting finds his allies are worried about his recent behavior

Ron Reagan on Trump’s Behavior: ‘It’s Only Going to Get Worse’ | Hardball | MSNBC

Rattled by the US economy, and his prospects for reelection, an unhinged President Trump is stumbling through a week of self-induced chaos.

President Donald Trump’s Actions Create Obstacles for Trump Campaign | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump has worried U.S. allies with comments he's made regarding trade, manufacturing, and foreign policy and it’s hurting his campaign too. Renee Graham and Rick Wilson discuss what's next for impeaching Trump now that 130 dems are now supporting an inquiry.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ex-Advisers Worried about Trump's Behavior, NYT Reports

The New York Times reports that those who know President Trump are worried about his erratic recent behavior.

Rejected Trump Cancels State Visit to Denmark | DW News

US President Donald Trump has canceled an official state visit to Denmark because the Danish prime minister has refused to consider selling Greenland to the US, describing the proposal as "absurd". Greenland is an autonomous Danish territory rich in natural resources - and is also the world's biggest island, strategically located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.

Brexit: Macron Warns Johnson That Irish Backstop Is 'Indispensable'

On the face of it - there were all the signs of an Entente Cordiale between Boris Johnson and the French President Emmanuel Macron as the pair met in Paris for talks on Brexit - with smiles, handshakes and jokes about Mr Johnson putting his feet up on the Elysee furniture.

But behind all that bonhomie - a stern line from Mr Macron - who warned the Irish backstop was "indispensable" - telling the PM to set out his alternatives to the mechanism as soon as possible.

Psychiatrist on ‘The Essential Emptiness of President Donald Trump’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Dr. Lance Dodes, one of the first mental health professionals who questioned Donald Trump's stability, discusses with Lawrence O'Donnell how Trump has devolved since the beginning of his presidency.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trump Calls Danish Prime Minister's Statement 'Nasty'

Donald Trump on Wednesday defended his decision to cancel his trip to Denmark, saying that the Danish Prime Minister's comments this week were "nasty" and "inappropriate" while speaking to reporters at the White House.

Trump Cancels Denmark Trip as Greenland Says It’s Not for Sale

The Danish Prime Minister says she is "annoyed" that Donald Trump has cancelled his state visit to Denmark, after he was told that Greenland is not for sale.

Mette Fredriksen said the US is still a close ally, but last week described President Trump's proposal as "absurd". Today he said the Prime Minister's comment was "nasty".

THE GUARDIAN: Greenlanders on Trump: ‘We are neither for sale nor can be bought’ »

THE GUARDIAN: The Guardian view on Trump and Greenland: no sale » | Editorial