Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ivanka Trump Says Father Offered To Give Her World Bank Top Job, But She Passed | TIME

Ivanka Trump says father offered to give her world bank top job, but she passed.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 18, 2019

Facebook Bans Far-right Groups Including BNP, EDL and Britain First

THE GUARDIAN: Number of organisations and individuals permanently banned for being ‘dangerous’

Facebook has permanently banned a number of far-right organisations and individuals including the British National party (BNP), the English Defence League (EDL) and Britain First under its “dangerous individuals and organisations” policy.

The ban, which came into effect at midday on Thursday, extends beyond the groups and individuals specifically cited as hate organisations: posts and other content that “expresses praise or support” for them will also be banned, as will users who coordinate support for the groups. » | Alex Hern | Thursday, April 18, 2019

Billionaires Face 'Yellow Vest' Scorn over Notre-Dame Pledges

THE TELEGRAPH: Billionaire French tycoons faced a mounting backlash on Wednesday over tax breaks on their huge donations to restore Notre-Dame, as Yellow Vest protestors said the hundreds of millions of euros should be spent on tackling France's social problems.

The contributions to the cathedral's renovation approached €900 million (£780m) on Wednesday as the owners of Chanel and Dior stepped forward with donations along with Disney and the technology giant Apple.

However, the outpouring of cash has angered supporters of France's Yellow Vest movement, which noted that President Emmanuel Macron's "rich friends" stood to receive major tax breaks linked to donations in support of the public good and restoring national treasures.

They also pointed out that the sudden willingness of wealthy businesses to turn out their pockets showed that money was available to boost the French government's coffers. » | James Rothwell and Henry Samuel | Thursday, April 18, 2019

THE TELEGRAPH: Macron plans to shut elite school for future leaders » | Henry Samuel in Paris | Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pete Buttigieg - Full Interview | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Watch Rachel Maddow's full interview with presidential 2020 hopeful Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Mika: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Exposed Hate With Love | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While campaigning in Iowa, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg calmly faced down anti-gay religious protesters during a rally. The Morning Joe panel compares and contrasts how the 2020 candidate and Donald Trump handle heckling.

Pompeo Is "Setting the Stage for a War with Iran"

In recent congressional testimony, Sec. of State Pompeo linked Iran to al Qaeda and 9/11 and would not say whether he would apply the 2001 war authorization (AUMF) to Iran. Col. Larry Wilkerson discusses the implications

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Allocution solennelle suite à l'incendie de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 16, 2019

Pete Buttigieg: My Husband Will Be an Amazing Father

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg discusses marriage and the prospect of becoming a father with CNN's Poppy Harlow and John Avlon.

Meet Mayor Pete Buttigieg: The Millennial Democrat Running for President

In the US, another Democrat has thrown their hat into the ring to become the nominee for President, but it’s a name many Americans won’t recognise.

Pete Buttigieg, or Mayor Pete as he’s known in the Midwest, is hoping to represent the Democrats and take on Donald Trump in 2020. If elected, the 37-year-old outsider would become America’s first ever gay president.

Warum uns Notre-Dame behrüht: „Da werden Untergangsvorstellungen aktiviert“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Warum trifft es uns so, wenn ein historisches Gebäude brennt? Eine Kulturwissenschaftlerin erklärt, warum Notre-Dame so ikonisch aufgeladen ist – und woher die Verschwörungstheorien um den Brand rühren.

Frau Horstkotte, als Notre-Dame am Montagabend brannte, standen die Pariser scharenweise auf den Straßen, schauten fassungslos zu. Warum hat das die Menschen so berührt?

Die Zerstörung solch ikonischer Bauwerke, die stark mit Bedeutung aufgeladen sind, ist zunächst einmal visuell sehr eindrucksvoll. Da spielt auch Schaulust eine Rolle, das kennt man von anderen Unfällen. Diese besonders eindrucksvollen Bilder wecken aber besonders starke Emotionen. Die identitätsstiftende Wirkung der Kathedrale Notre-Dame für die Pariser, die französische Nation und für Europa ist dabei auch wichtig. » | von Johanna Dürrholz | Dienstag, 04. April 2019

Notre Dame Cathedral Fire: The World Mourns the Loss of a Paris Icon | DW News

French President Emmanuel Macron is vowing to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral, after a blaze destroyed much of the 12th-century church late on Monday. The exact cause is still unknown, but firefighters say it is now under control and partially extinguished. Authorities say the cathedral's structure was largely saved, but the fire gutted its roof and caused its spire to collapse. One firefighter was injured during the blaze. Many valuable artworks inside were lost or damaged. And, people around the world are lamenting the devastation of an architectural jewel that has survived well over eight centuries and is a symbol of France's heritage.

Notre-Dame Fire: Pledges to Rebuild Cathedral Pass 600 Million Euros after Donations from French Billionaires - Latest News

THE TELEGRAPH: … Pledges to rebuild Paris's Notre-Dame Cathedral have now topped 600 million euros (£518 million) as French billionaires signalled they would contribute significant donations.

According to AFP, promises made by France's corporations along with the country's richest families have poured in after a devastating fire ravaged the 850-year-old building, leading to fears it could collapse.

Business tycoon Bernard Arnault, and his luxury goods group LVMH, pledged 200 million euros (£173 million) towards the reconstruction of Notre Dame, while a billionaire fashion mogul, Francois Pinault, said he would give 100 million euro (£86 million) to the cause.

French President Emmanuel Macron last night launched a fund-raising campaign to rebuild the national landmark. » | Chris Graham, David Chazan and Jamie Bullen | Tuesday, April 16, 2019

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A France in Turmoil Weeps for a Symbol of Paris’s Enduring Identity » | Michael Kimmelman | Monday, April 15, 2019

On Contact: Assange with Vijay Prashad

The arrest of Julian Assange eviscerates all pretense of the rule of law and the rights of a free press. Joining Chris Hedges to discuss the arrest and pending extradition of Julian Assange is the historian Vijay Prashad.

Insight: Hitler Hunter | UNILAD Original Documentary

Hitler killed himself with his wife Eva Braun in his bunker in 1945 right? Think again. In UNILADs brand new series Insight, we meet investigative journalist Gerrard Williams, known for his appearances on History channels 'Hunting Hitler' and his book 'Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler'. He talks us through his own research and what he's found on the ground in his hunt to find out what happened to Adolf Hitler.

Notre Dame Fire: Paris Mourns as Emmanuel Macron Commits to Rebuilding the Famous Cathedral

French president declares: 'We will rebuild Notre Dame together' as distraught Parisians and stunned tourists gaze in disbelief at inferno in the 850-year-old Gothic cathedral, which sits on the Île de la Cité in the River Seine. Macron hails the courage of firefighters who saved the façade and main towers from the fire's ravages, which caused the spire to collapse and the roof to fall in. An investigation has been launched into the cause of the fire which may be linked to renovation work.

THE GUARDIAN: Notre Dame is a warning to Europe: don’t take what you value for granted » | Gilles Gressani and Mathéo Malik | Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Guardian View on the Notre Dame Fire: We Share France’s Terrible Loss

THE GUARDIAN: One of the great symbols of France has suffered terrible fire damage. The whole of Europe is scarred too

It feels as though the very heart of France and the soul of Europe have been suddenly and viciously ripped out. The fire that coursed through large sections of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Monday evening was an act of blind and terrible destruction that causes a great stab of emotional pain to us all.

In a frighteningly short time, it gutted and humbled one of the great buildings of Paris, in an act of annihilation of one of the emblematic places of Europe that had survived the brutality of the French revolution and the world wars of the 20th century.

The fire struck quickly and seemingly uncontrollably. It gathered force with immense power and ferocity, engulfing much of the roof and the central spire as it caught hold. The difficulty of marshalling full and effective firefighting operations to protect the building, which is on a small and historic island in the middle of the Seine, was quickly evident and agonizing. » | Editorial | Monday, April 15, 2019

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler (2012)

Hitler makes a last minute escape to South America where he lives a quiet and peaceful life until his death in 1962. Based on the 2011 book by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams.

Hitler Of The Andes – Conspiracy Documentary | Timeline