Sunday, October 28, 2018

Hannah Arendt im Gespräch mit Günter Gaus

Galloway Blasts Tony Blair for Taking Saudi Money

Anya Parampil examines criticism of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair for his refusal to cut ties with Saudi Arabia in the face of Washington Post Contributor Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. Blair has been paid nearly $12 million by the Saudi Kingdom for “consulting” services since he left office. Former Member of U.K. Parliament and presenter in the documentary The Killing$ of Tony Blair, George Galloway, joins In Question to discuss Blair’s legacy.

Erdogan Demands Answers as Macron Urges Sanctions | Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor is due to arrive in Istanbul later on Sunday, to discuss the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Turkish prosecutors want the extradition of 18 suspects, but Saudi Arabia's foreign minister has rejected that call. It all comes at a time of mounting European pressure on Saudi Arabia. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she and French President Emmanuel Macron are considering a common European Union position on selling arms to Saudi Arabia, following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But the Saudi foreign minister has dismissed what he described as "hysteria in the media" over the killing - and rejected calls to extradite the suspects. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher reports from Istanbul.

How Should President Trump Respond to Khashoggi's Murder? | NYT Opinion

For the United States, doing nothing about the premeditated killing of Jamal Khashoggi is not an option.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

One on One: Saudi Dissident Ghanem Al-Dosari

In this episode of One on One Simon McGregor-Wood spoke to Saudi dissident Ghanem Al-Dosari in London about the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and about the attacks he has faced on the streets of London, which he claims were ordered by the Crown Prince.

John Bolton Gets Us One Step Closer to Nuclear War with Russia

Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton is blocking talks at the moment that could help extend a nuclear treaty between the US and Russia, and instead he wants the US to just pull out of these nuclear agreements. Not only is this move being derided as hasty and reckless, it would also send a signal to the rest of the world that the US is no longer keeping their word on agreements from the past. This is dangerous, and John Bolton is clearly calling the shots in this administration. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

What Impact Will Khashoggi's Murder Have on the Middle East? l Inside Story

Saudi Arabia is under mounting pressure to explain exactly what happened at its consulate in Istanbul when Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi - a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman - was murdered.

It’s reported that evidence links the killing directly to the Crown Prince's office, a charge Riyadh denies.

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis says that the case threatens the stability of the entire Middle East, and that Washington is ready to take more action against those responsible.

Visa bans are already in place for 21 suspects. Turkey wants the suspects extradited from Saudi Arabia but the Kingdom's Foreign Minister says they will be investigated and prosecuted where they are.

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Majed Al-Ansari, professor of political science at Qatar University; Shafeeq Ghabra, professor of political science at Kuwait University; Hillary Mann-Leverett, former U.S. state department and White House official

A Look at the Kingdom of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Saudi Arabia has been making headlines with young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pushing a reformist agenda in the country amid the backdrop of bizarre scandals like the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey as well as the apparent purging of the royal family. Here we take a look at the past, present and potential future of the Kingdom and what’s at stake for the Crown Prince

Sam Harris vs Ayn Rand

Sam Harris gives his opinion on the famous author and her philosophy of Objectivism.

Ayn Rand - How Is This Still A Thing? : Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014)

Jair Bolsonaro: A Wrecking Ball for Brazil's Media? | The Listening Post | Full

Friday, October 26, 2018

Does Saudi Forensic Doctor Who Allegedly Dismembered Khashoggi Have Ties to University of New Haven?

In Connecticut, activists are calling on the University of New Haven to cut ties to King Fahd Security College in Saudi Arabia. According to news reports, the Saudi forensic doctor who allegedly dismembered Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi’s body served on the editorial board of a publication tied to King Fahd Security College. Dr. Salah Muhammed al-Tubaigy’s name was removed from the publication’s website this week. A forensic scientist from the University of New Haven served on the editorial board with him. We speak to Stanley Heller, executive director of the Middle East Crisis Committee, and Harvard Medical School fellow Yarden Katz.

UN: Khashoggi Was Victim of 'Extrajudicial Execution' l Al Jazeera English

Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of an 'extrajudicial execution'. That's the assessment of Agnes Callamard, the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on Summary or Arbitrary Killings. She's pointing the finger directly at the top level of the Saudi leadership. Faisal Fahad, the Saudi representative on the UN committee, said Callamard had overstepped her remit with her comments. "Kindly do not give us any personal opinions in this official meeting," he said. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from New York.

Chris Cuomo Takes on Sarah Sanders over Bomb Response

CNN's Chris Cuomo calls out Sarah Sanders' response to the suspicious packages that were sent to President Trump's prominent critics.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

BBC HARDtalk | Alan Duncan MP | October 24, 2018

Turkey's President Erdogan says the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a savage crime meticulously planned in Riyadh. He wants all those responsible to stand trial in Turkey. As the pressure on the house of Saud mounts, will the kingdom's partners in the West take punitive action? HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur speaks to Alan Duncan, Minister of State in the UK Foreign Office. Has the time come for Britain to stop lucrative arms exports to Saudi Arabia?

John Brennan's Response to Trump Draws Laughter

Former CIA Director John Brennan speaks out after a bomb addressed to him was sent to CNN's New York office.

Saudi Arabia: Global Pressure Calling for End to Arms Sales | Al Jazeera English

Rights groups are ramping up pressure against Saudi Arabia’s leadership calling on the international community to close its doors on arms sales after the killing of Jamal Khashoggi and over the war in Yemen.

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers have introduced a bill to ban arms sales to Saudi Arabia. It would also cut military co-operation, unless US investigators can provide proof the Saudi government did not order the killing of Khashoggi.

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has joined other European countries in calling for a "credible" investigation and has halted a weapons deals with Saudi Arabia.

Al Jazeera’s Raheela Mahomed looks at how international pressure is also growing online.

What's Killing America's White Men? BBC News

Every year, nearly 45,000 people in America kill themselves. That is more than twice the number that die in homicides, and the numbers are increasing. There is one group in particular causing this spike - white, middle aged men. India Rakusen goes to Montana, where suicide rates are double the national average, to find out what drives so many of these men to despair and taking their own lives.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Is the Global Response to Khashoggi Killing Tough Enough? | Inside Story

Outrage, condemnation and diplomatic action escalating worldwide. The killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi continues to provoke reactions.

He was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd. Since then, the world has been gripped by accounts of what really happened.

The mystery first unfolded through leaks by Turkish investigators. Reports emerged about a Saudi-hit squad killing and dismembering the journalist - allegedly on the orders of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

After two weeks of Saudi denials, diplomats eventually admitted Khashoggi was 'mistakenly' killed during a brawl in the consulate. And denied any involvement by bin Salman - denials met with widespread scepticism.

Turkey's President has confirmed what he callled a 'savage, pre-meditated murder.' Recep Tayyip Erdogan's calling for an independent, credible investigation with accountability - from top to bottom. And he's calling on the Kingdom to provide answers - especially - who gave the order to murder and where are Khashoggi's remains? But will those answers ever be provided?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan Guests: Giorgio Cafiero - Chief Executive, Gulf State Analytics Sinan Ulgen - Chairman, Centre for Economic & Foreign Policy Studies Mouin Rabbani - Senior Fellow, Institute for Palestine Studies

The Pressure on Saudi Arabia: What Turkey Knows about Khashoggi Murder