Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bernie Sanders Takes On Billionaire CEOs

Bernie is fighting to bring workers their share of the wealth. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and Francesca Fiorentini, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

President Donald Trump Behavior in Helsinki 'Un-American': Madeleine Albright | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright joins Morning Joe to discuss Monday's joint news conference in Finland with President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin and why she says Trump's behavior there was un-American.

Lawrence: Vladimir Putin Made a Big Mistake in His Presser with Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence points out that in the Trump-Putin press conference, Putin admitted that he preferred Trump to win the election and that he ordered officers to help Trump win. Lawrence says that reveal by Putin is a "smoking gun" moment.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 17, 2018

Paul Jay on Trump-Putin and the Real Threats to Democracy

Whether the Kremlin meddled in the U.S. election or not, the hyper-focus on Russiagate overlooks bigger threats: Russian elites to the Russian people, and U.S. elites to the American people, says Paul Jay

Brexit: May Government Scrapes through Customs Bill Votes – BBC Newsnight

As the government narrowly avoids a defeat on its Customs Bill after agreeing to Brexiteers' demands to change its wording, Kirsty Wark is joined by chair of the Treasury select committee, Nicky Morgan, former Brexit Secretary David Davis, former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, and shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Peter Dowd.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Can Trump, Israel, and Gulf Allies Get Putin to Turn on Iran?

Days after Netanyahu's visit to Moscow, Trump will meet with Putin in Helsinki. But despite talk of a "grand bargain" that enlists Russia in helping the US-Israel-Saudi-UAE front against Iran, don't expect it to happen, says professor and syndicated columnist Rami Khouri

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Democratic National Convention (DNC) Chair: Trump Is Putin's Poodle

What's Behind Saudi Arabia's Arrest of Religious Leaders? | Inside Story

Saudi Arabia has arrested prominent preacher and scholar Safar Al-Hawali just days after he published a book criticising the ruling family.

Three of his sons - Abdul Rahman, Abdullah and Ibrahim - were also detained. Rights groups say Abdul Rahman and Abdullah were reportedly taken into custody while attending a family wedding on Wednesday. While Hawali and his son Ibrahim were arrested the following morning.

Hawali became known almost three decades ago as the leader of the Sahwa movement - which advocated for democracy in Saudi Arabia. He was previously detained for opposing the ruling family. Saudi Arabia, under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, has launched a crackdown against activists, religious figures and opponents in recent months. But how far will this go?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ahmed Al-Burai - Lecturer at Aydin University; Rami Khouri - Senior Fellow at the American University of Beirut; Saeed Al-Shehabi - Columnist with Al-Quds Al Arabi newspaper

President's UK Visit 'An Opportunity for British People to Unite' Against Trump

President Trump's visit to the UK caused important upheavals both in British politics and society, when over 250,000 took to the streets against his visit. Thomas Barlow, of Real Media, talks about the visit's impact

Ed Miliband on Trump’s UK Visit and Brexit – BBC Newsnight

Former Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka Lauds the President's UK Visit

Sebastian Gorka's interview with Channel 4 News, discussing Donald Trump holding Theresa May's hand and the President's interview with the Sun.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Meet the Activist Who Called Piers Morgan an “Idiot” for Criticizing Anti-Trump Protests in Britain

President Donald Trump said Friday that immigrants fleeing violence and seeking asylum in Europe are changing “the fabric of Europe. … And I don’t mean that in a positive way.” Trump’s xenophobic comments came during a shocking interview with the Rupert Murdoch-owned British tabloid The Sun. Massive protests have greeted President Trump during his two-day trip to Britain—including a 20-foot-long giant baby Trump blimp outside Parliament. We go to the streets of London to speak with Ash Sarkar, the anti-Trump coalition organizer who confronted Piers Morgan during a “Good Morning Britain” interview Thursday that went viral.

US - UK: What Now for the 'Special Relationship'? | Inside Story

In retrospect, British Prime Minister Theresa May might wonder whether this was really the best week for a visit from Donald Trump.

Arriving straight from a NATO summit that was predictably contentious, the US president has been greeted with massive protests on his first trip to London since taking office. And, as May struggles to hold her own government together, with the never-ending arguments about Brexit negotiations, threatening to tear her Conservative party apart. Only hours after arriving, Trump made the prime minister's life even more difficult, with scathing criticism of her in a newspaper interview. And he went out of his way to talk up one of her main rivals, Boris Johnson, who resigned earlier this week as Foreign Secretary.

Trump said May's in trouble because she ignored his advice on both Brexit and migration. And he thinks Johnson would make a great prime minister. Aside from being an epic breach of both diplomatic protocol and simple manners, Trump's interview brought other questions into sharp relief: Can May survive if Brexit no longer holds the promise of a separate trade agreement with the United States? Can NATO survive the additional strain of a rift between its two top military contributors? And, what about the so-called "special relationship" that supposedly links the British and American governments?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ian Dunt - Editor, Politics.co.uk; Inderjeet Parmar - Professor of International Politics, City University of London; Robert Hunter - Former US Ambassador to NATO

Trump Arrives at Windsor Castle for Meeting with the Queen

Trump's UK Visit Day 1: Discussion – BBC Newsnight

President Trump's visit to the UK has divided opinion. So how should the UK approach the visit by a US president who isn't a traditional diplomat? Newsnight's Kirsty Wark is joined by a live panel to discuss.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 13, 2018

#bbcqt : Question Time – July 12, 2018

This week's Question Time, filmed in Dartford. Hot topics include the disastrous Chequers Brexit plan and Trump's visit to the UK. Last Question Time until September. All rights go to the BBC and Mentorn Scotland.