Friday, July 28, 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Brexit: UK – EU Freedom of Movement 'to End in March 2019' – BBC News

Trump's Transgender Backlash

Top US & World Headlines — July 27, 2017

BBC World – Iran's "Sex-Change" Solution

Ali Hamedani, BBC World service reporter, visits Turkey to meet LGBT exiles who have fled Iran in fear of being forced to change gender

Donald Trump Bans Transgender People from the US Military

Trump's Military Transgender Ban Draws Quick Outrage

The 'Special Report' All-Star panel weighs in

Outrage as Trump Bans Transgender People from Serving in US Military

Outrage as Trump bans transgender people from serving in US military. There is growing anger in the US after President Donald Trump abruptly announced he was banning transgender people from serving in the military. Tweeting his decision, Trump said Washington cannot be burdened with the medical costs and the disruption of having transgender people in the armed forces. Protests have been growing since his announcement. Al Jazeera's White House correspondent Kimberley Halkett reports from Washington, DC.

Lawrence: How Donald Trump Finally Went Too Far, Even For GOP Senators | The Last Word | MSNBC

Time and again, Republicans gave Donald Trump a pass on his extreme policies and bad behavior. So what’s the one move that has finally turned the GOP against their president? Trump’s continued criticism of Jeff Sessions. Lawrence O'Donnell examines.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

In "Dangerous" Move, Republicans Push to Strip Healthcare from Millions Without Holding Any Hearings

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov | NBC News | Full Interview

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov sat down with NBC News' Keir Simmons to discuss the relationship between President Putin and President Trump.

A Look at How a Racial Theorist Tied to Mussolini & Hitler Influenced Steve Bannon

Journalist Joshua Green talks about two men who influenced Steve Bannon’s philosophy: the Italian philosopher Julius Evola, whose ideas became the basis of fascist racial theory, and René Guénon, who developed an anti-modernism philosophy called "Traditionalism." Green writes about Evola and Guénon in his new book, "Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency."

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Brexit Talks: $70bn Settlement to Leave EU Is Major Sticking Point

The European Union's top negotiator says there are "fundamental" disagreements between the bloc and the UK over citizens' rights. The statement comes as the two sides wrap up the second round of talks on the country's exit from the EU, known as Brexit. A major sticking point is the $70bn financial settlement to leave the EU that needs to be resolved. And Brussels is adamant it is non-negotiable. Al Jazeera's Sonia Gallego reports from London.

Michael Heseltine: "Bitterly Divided" Tory Party Could Bring Down the Government

Top US News & World Headlines — July 20, 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

US Slaps Iran with New Sanctions

The US is hitting Iran with new sanctions - this time over its suspected ballistic missile programme.

The move comes after the White House accused Tehran of not sticking to the “spirit” of the 2015 nuclear deal, despite formally complying with its conditions.

It says the extra measures are necessary because of Tehran's alleged support for the Syrian government, and armed groups in the Middle East.

Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington, DC.

Model im Minirock erzürnt die Sittenwächter in Saudi-Arabien

Das Video einer Frau im Minirock sorgt derzeit in den sozialen Netzwerken in Saudi-Arabien für Aufsehen. Der Clip zeigt ein Model namens „Khulood“ in freizügiger Kleidung in einer historischen Festung in der extrem konservativen Region Nadschd. Frauen in Saudi-Arabien müssen eigentlich eine Vollverschleierung aus Abaya und Niqab tragen.

Entsprechend heftig sind die Reaktionen, wie die britische „BBC“ berichtete. Kritiker forderten ein Einschreiten der Religionspolizei und eine Bestrafung der Frau. Wenn sie sich nicht an geltende Gesetze halte, habe sie es nicht verdient, in Saudi-Arabien zu leben, hieß es.

Befürworter hingegen feierten die mutige Aktion in einem Land, in dem Frauen immer noch kaum Rechte haben. Sie wiesen darauf hin, dass auch Melania und Ivanka Trump beim jüngsten Besuch des US-Präsidenten in Saudi-Arabien keine Verschleierung trugen.

Eine Twitter-Nutzerin kommentierte: „Wäre sie eine Ausländerin, würden sie von der Schönheit ihrer Hüften und dem Glanz in ihren Augen schwärmen… Aber weil sie eine Saudi ist, fordern sie ihre Verhaftung.“ Die saudische Religionspolizei, die „Behörde für die Verbreitung von Tugendhaftigkeit und Verhinderung von Lastern“, hat angekündigt, den Vorfall zu untersuchen.