Friday, April 21, 2017

It's Time To Break Off EU Membership Talks with Turkey

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Turks have voted to give their autocratic president even more power, with few checks and balances. By doing so, they have cast their ballot against the values of the European Union. It's time for the EU to take action by ending membership talks with Turkey.

With Turkey's vote on Sunday for sweeping constitutional reforms, autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has consolidated his power and divided the country. The referendum on the Turkish Constitution is just one further example in the year of Brexit of the dubious value of referenda. There is likely to be much talk in the coming days of a majority vote, regardless how narrow it was (51.4-48.8), and how it must be respected.

For the European Union, however, there can only be one outcome: Membership negotiations with Turkey should be terminated.

The Turks have voted for autocracy, for the repression of political opponents and likely also for the introduction of the death penalty. None of these can be reconciled with membership in the EU. For Brussels now, at the very latest, the time has come to call the accession process what it is: dead. » | Markus Becker in Brussels | Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Paris Shootout Leaves Police Officer and Gunman Dead

Read the New York Times article here

Champs Élysées shooting: French police officer killed in Paris

A gunman has shot and killed one police officer and wounded two more in an incident on the Champs Élysées on Thursday evening. The gunman is said to have pulled up next to a police van in a car, got out, and then opened fire on the nearby police. He was then killed by police when they returned fire. Police are now investigating the attacker’s car and it has been revealed the man was known to security services before the attack

Read the Guardian article here

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Don Lemon Show | Bill O'Reilly OUT at Fox News | April 19, 2017

Anderson Cooper Show | Bill O'Reilly OUT at Fox News | April 19, 2017

Anderson Cooper 360 April 19,2017 - CNN Show

We Need to Talk about Theresa May

Theresa May is seen as a ‘safe pair of hands’, and many of us are yearning for that at a time of massive political turmoil. But, argues Owen Jones, we should still think about what kind of politician she is. From opposing the convention of human rights, to telling illegal immigrants to ‘go home’, there are things we should know about our new prime minister

Theresa May is not just breaking her promises – she is breaking our politics »

EU Parliament President against a ‘Hard, Strong, Cold Brexit’

The president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, emphasises that the rights and status of EU citizens living in the UK is the Parliament’s first priority during Brexit negotiations. Speaking at Europe House in London on Thursday, Antonio Tajani added that the prospect of a British general election works in favour of Brexit negotiations, offering greater stability with the ‘the same ministers, the same negotiators’ during the length of the process

EU leader: UK would be welcomed back if voters overturn Brexit »

North Korea Threatens US as Tensions Rise

North Korea has warned of a "super-mighty preemptive strike" against the United States. CBS News' Major Garrett joins CBSN to discuss the growing tension between the White House and Pyongyang.

Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses after Supreme Court Rules Christian Sect 'Extremists’

THE INDEPENDENT: Group to appeal ruling amid international concern over freedom of religion

Russia has banned Jehovah's Witnesses after the Supreme Court ruled the Christian sect to be an “extremist” group.

“The Supreme Court has ruled to sustain the claim of Russia's ministry of justice and deem the 'Administrative Centre of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia' organisation extremist, eliminate it and ban its activity in Russia,” said judge Yuri Ivanenko.

“The property of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation is to be confiscated to the state revenue.” Read on and comment » | Lizzie Dearden | Thursday, April 20, 2017

First Roger Ailes, Now Bill O'Reilly: Sexual Harassment Scandal Ousts Top Men at Fox News

The longtime Fox News star Bill O’Reilly is out, after more than half a dozen women accused him of sexual harassment. His departure follows the similar ouster of longtime powerful Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, who was also forced out this past summer after more than 20 women accused him of sexual harassment. Over 50 advertisers boycotted "The O’Reilly Factor" over revelations O’Reilly and Fox paid $13 million to settle lawsuits by five women who accuse O’Reilly of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior. For more, we speak with civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom. She represents three women who have accused Bill O’Reilly of unwanted sexual advances.

Bill O'Reilly Accuser Perquita Burgess Speaks Out | The View

Will Bill O'Reilly's Departure Change Culture At Fox News? | The View

Kleptocracy?: How Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner Personally Profit from Their Roles in the White House

Are Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner personally profiting from their official roles in the White House? According to the Associated Press, Ivanka Trump secured three new exclusive trademarks in China the very same day she and her father, President Trump, had dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. The China trademarks give her company the exclusive rights to sell Ivanka-branded jewelry, bags and spa services in China. The New York Times reports Japan also approved new trademarks for Ivanka for branded shoes, handbags and clothing in February, and she has trademark applications pending in at least 10 other countries. Ivanka no longer manages her $50 million company, but she continues to own it. Ivanka also serves in the Trump administration as an adviser to the president. So does her husband, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. For more, we speak with Vicky Ward, New York Times best-selling author, investigative journalist and contributor to Esquire and Huffington Post Highline magazine.

Bill O’Reilly Is Forced Out at Fox News

Read the New York Times article here

For Fox News, Life After Bill O’Reilly Will Feature Tucker Carlson »

US Could End Visa-free Travel for Europeans, Donald Trump's Secretary of Homeland Security Says

THE INDEPENDENT: Move could affect around 14 million European citizens who visit the US without a visa each year

The Trump administration is considering making changes to the US visa-waiver system that could make it much harder for Europeans travelling to America.

Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said the existing rules, which do not require Britons to obtain a visa, should be reviewed amid heightened concerns about terrorism.

"We have to start looking very hard at that [visa waiver] programme,” he said. Read on and comment » | Tom Batchelor | Thursday, April 20, 2017

Asma al-Assad- die First Lady Syriens

Asma al-Assad - Das schöne Gesicht der Diktatur. Asma al-Assad, die First Lady Syriens. Der Westen sah in ihr das Ideal einer arabischen Herrscherin: schön, gebildet, modern. Heute gilt sie als Komplizin eines Diktators, der Verbrechen an seinem Volk begeht. Quelle : ARD

Asma Al Assad: Things You Need to Know Bashar’s Wife

Asma Al-Assad is the wife of President Bashar al-Assad, who has been in power since July 2000. For a time, Asma was seen in a positive light to push social and economic development. She was even once featured in a flattering Vogue article.

Asma al-Assad: A Rose in the Desert »

Significant Part of LGBT Community to Support Le Pen in Upcoming Elections – Poll

Despite the tension over the National Front, polls show a significant part of LGB community will support Marine Le Pen in the first round of the election on Sunday

Remembering Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly Officially Fired

After a string of sexual harassment lawsuits and settlements, Bill O’Reilly has been fired by Fox News. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and David Sirota, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.