Showing posts with label showbusiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label showbusiness. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Daniel Craig Says He Goes to Gay Bars to Avoid Fights at Straight Venues

THE GUARDIAN: Bond star says he dislikes the aggression of hetero spaces, and gay bars were a good place to meet women

Daniel Craig: ‘[Gay bars] would just be a good place to go.’ Photograph: Valérie Macon/AFP/Getty Images

From his portrayal of a more vulnerable Bond to his cerise suit jacket on the red carpet, Daniel Craig has worked hard to defy expectations of masculinity – so it came as little surprise when the actor revealed he liked to frequent gay bars to avoid the “aggressive dick swinging” of hetero spaces.

“I’ve been going to gay bars for as long as I can remember,” Craig said on the podcast Lunch with Bruce. “One of the reasons: because I don’t get into fights in gay bars that often.”

The 53-year-old said he started going to gay bars when he was young because he wanted to avoid ending up “being in a punch-up” during a night out, which he said happened “quite a lot” in straight venues.

Craig, who has been married to Rachel Weisz for a decade, also said that when he was single it was a good way to meet women.

“[Gay bars] would just be a good place to go,” he said. “Everybody was chill, everybody. You didn’t really have to sort of state your sexuality. It was OK. And it was a very safe place to be. And I could meet girls there, cos there are a lot of girls there for exactly the same reason I was there. It was kind of an ulterior motive.” » | Nadia Khomami, Arts and culture correspondent | Thursday, October 14, 2021