Showing posts with label sharia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sharia. Show all posts

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sharia Law in UK Is 'Unavoidable', Says the Archbishop of Canterbury

Photo of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, courtesy of Google Images

This is an outrage! That the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of the Anglican Communion worldwide, should state such a ridiculous thing is nothing short of disgusting.

This man is not worthy of the office he holds. He is weak and cowardly and pathetic!

There must be ONE law for all people in the United Kingdom. We must do ALL in our power to stop this. It will lead to the Balkanization of the United Kingdom. This man, I am sorry to say, is a fool!- ©Mark

No Shariah in Europe!
BBC: The Archbishop of Canterbury says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK "seems unavoidable".

Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4's World at One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.

Dr Williams argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion.

For example, Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court.

He says Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty". Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable' >>>

The Archbishop of Canterbury on the ‘Unavoidability’ of Sharia Law

The End of One Law for All?

Archbishop: We Should Adopt Muslim Law in UK

Archbishop of Canterbury warns sharia law in Britain is inevitable By Ben Russell and Colin Brown
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Shariah Law in Britain

THE SUNDAY EXPRESS: A SECRET network of Islamic divorce courts is ordering unofficial punishments for women in Britain.

Back street councils are meting out sharia justice at weekly gatherings to deal with troubled marriages and financial arguments.

Senior Muslims are demanding that the law should be officially recognised and imposed on British citizens.

In strict Islamic societies the law allows people to be stoned to death in public, be beheaded or have their limbs amputated, sometimes for minor crimes.

Even though the rulings are not recognised by British law, women face losing their children if they choose to remarry after a judgment is made.

We want to know what YOU think about Sharia law. Should this harsh justice system be used in Britain? Perhaps you feel is it completely barbaric or maybe you feel it is a warranted form of justice.

Have YOUR say NOW!

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Horrors of Islam: Al-Shari’ah and the Barbaric Treatment of Women

Hat tip to Citizen Warrior for this horrific video. Be warned: This video has scenes which many will find extremely difficult to watch:

YouTube has taken this video down, but you can still view it HERE
Please be aware that this video is suitable neither for the weak of stomach nor children.

Mark Alexander

Sunday, September 16, 2007

And Shariah for All?

TOWNHALL.COM: The story of the week wasn't Gen. David Petraeus' testimony on Iraq, although it dominated the headlines. The story of the week wasn't the sixth return of Sept. 11 since the jihad atrocity of 2001, although it inspired many public statements and ceremonies. The week's biggest story garnered little press and few comments. But, in a significant way, this overlooked story -- an outrageous display of police force in Brussels on Sept. 11, 2007 -- symbolizes the missing link in our flawed comprehension of both Iraq and Sept. 11.

There, in the so-called capital of Europe, 200 people marked the day with a protest against the Islamization of Europe -- a civilizational shift which, as Europe increasingly accommodates Shariah (Islamic law), is shockingly advanced. Indeed, Middle East expert Bernard Lewis has already predicted Europe will become Islamic by century's end. Absent a reversal of Islamization (which remains possible) I'm guessing sooner than that.

The assembly, sponsored by Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE), was wholly peaceful -- at least until Belgian police showed up. With a chopper above, water cannon nearby, they didn't break heads, exactly -- nothing so kind as that. In a photo that should be titled The New Face of Fascism (see it at, we see black-clad Belgian policemen brutalizing a man in a light-colored suit and tie. His hands are cuffed behind his back, his right elbow is clasped in what is known as an arm-bar hold, and he is also being subjected to a genital hold -- a vicious grip that, a retired cop friend of mine tells me, would get any American policeman thrown off the force.

The man under arrest was Frank Vanhecke, president of the Flemish secessionist party Vlaams Belang and a member of European Parliament. Also arrested and beaten was Filip Dewinter, who, as the leading politician of Vlaams Belang, Belgium's largest opposition party, has personally garnered 25 percent of the electorate. (You can find a picture of Belgian police forcing Dewinter to the ground online at

These men are invariably described as "far-right" politicians, as though "far-right"-ness alone (whatever that means when totalitarian police tactics are considered tolerant left) is rationale enough for harsh treatment. I've met both men and know them as free-market, small-government conservatives who deeply believe Western civilization is worth defending against the Islamization that occurs with the entrenchment of Shariah. Indeed, they are bravely trying to prevent Europe's Islamization, practically by themselves. I say "bravely" because in Europe these days, as we know from the Islam-motivated murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, such beliefs can get you killed. And Shariah for All? (more) » By Diana West

Mark Alexander

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Malaysia Considers Hardline Islamic Law

THE TELEGRAPH: Hardline Islamic law could be introduced across Malaysia under reforms proposed by the country's chief justice.

As the nation in south-east Asia celebrated 50 years of independence from Britain yesterday, its government was preparing to discuss a plan that would revolutionise the legal system put in place by its former colonial administrators.

As Kuala Lumpur witnessed celebrations that included parades, fireworks and a fighter-jet fly-by attended by the Duke of York, the proposal pointed to the deep differences which locals say are poisoning social relations beyond the glitter and skyscrapers of Malaysia's modern capital city.

Ahmad Fairuz, the chief justice, told an Islamic conference in Kuala Lumpur that 50 years of independence had failed to free Malaysia from the "clutches of colonialism". Sharia law should be "infused" into the gaps created by abolishing common law, he said.

Malaysia's non-Muslim Chinese and Indian communities, who form 40 per cent of the population, are alarmed at creeping Islamisation.

Abdul Badawi, the prime minister, this month joined other leaders for the first time in denying what the British-authored constitution has said for 50 years - that Malaysia is a secular state.

Sharia law already operates in some Malaysian states and is occasionally applied to non-Muslims, as in July when Islamic officials forcibly separated a Hindu-Muslim couple with six children after 21 years of marriage.

The majority ethnic Malays are defined as Muslim by law and forbidden from converting.

Racial tensions are already high due to official discrimination in favour of Malays, who enjoy better employment opportunities, preferential loans and lower house prices.

Dr Mohd Hatta, of the Islamic Party, welcomed the latest proposal in principle, but said: "The chief justice should be enforcing laws, not making them."

Meanwhile, dissent is increasingly harshly repressed. Journalists and bloggers say they are tailed by police and their phones are tapped. [Source: Malaysia considers switch to Islamic law By Thomas Bell in Kuala Lumpur]

Mark Alexander

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hamas Urged to Implement Islamic Law

YNET NEWS: Deputy leader of terror organization urges Hamas to implement Islamic law in Gaza, to unite with his organization's holy warriors

Al-Qaeda's deputy leader called on Muslims around the world to back Hamas with weapons, money and attacks on US and Israeli interests in a web audiotape Monday, urging the Palestinian group to unite with al-Qaeda's "holy warriors" after its takeover of Gaza.

The message from Ayman al-Zawahri, who is Osama bin Laden's top deputy, marked a major shift by al-Qaeda, which in the past criticized Hamas for joining a government with the US-supported Fatah faction.

The audiotape was clearly made after Hamas' takeover of Gaza earlier this month, marking a rapid response from al-Qaeda's top leadership to the events. Its authenticity could not be independently confirmed, but it was posted on a web forum where al-Zawahri has issued messages in the past.

Al-Zawahri urged Hamas to implement Islamic law in Gaza, telling it, "Taking over power is not a goal but a means to implement God's word on earth. Al-Qaeda leader calls for support for Hamas (more)

Mark Alexander

Monday, May 21, 2007

Islam-Compliant Funds Defy the Odds

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: The strategy is almost heresy on Wall Street: Find a top-performing investment by seeking out a mutual fund with some of the industry's strictest ethical screening requirements.

Yet that approach, if adopted, would work in at least one case. The Amana Income Fund, which avoids not only alcohol, tobacco, and gambling stocks but also pork producers and lenders who charge interest, received a Lipper award earlier this year for outperforming 180 equity income funds – screened and unscreened – over the past three years.

Amana Funds dominate the relatively small niche of socially responsible investing (SRI) that aims to reflect Islamic law, or sharia. The idea is for an entire portfolio to reflect moral values from the Koran, which deems pork products unclean and regards the charging and paying of interest as immoral endeavors that foster exploitative relationships.

"If Islam forbids it, then we're not going to buy it," says Monem Salam, deputy portfolio manager at Amana Funds. That principle generally "keeps us out of trouble," he says, by requiring the funds to avoid such ticking time bombs as Enron and WorldCom, which imploded in accounting scandals a few years back. Both were too heavily leveraged to pass muster at Amana. A market edge for Muslims (more) By G Jeffrey MacDonald

Mark Alexander

Friday, May 18, 2007

Mercy in Short Supply in Saudis’ Latest High-Gear Decapitation Spree

GLOBE AND MAIL: WASHINGTON and TORONTO — The fate of two Canadian brothers imprisoned in Saudi Arabia, who could face beheading after a youth died during a schoolyard melee in Jeddah, is sparking a vigorous debate in the Arab news media.

The detention of Mohamed Kohail, 22, and his 16-year-old brother Sultan was a leading story on the website of Al-Arabiya, a popular Dubai-based Arabic TV outlet, attracting more than 100 comments. While some praised Canada's insistence on defending its citizens abroad, most backed the Saudi authorities and said that Canada should respect the Saudi justice system.

"It's the Saudis' right to execute him," one reader wrote in Arabic. "Too bad, Canada. Hard luck."

"They must be executed," said another. Arab world debates fate of Canadian brothers (more) By Alan Freeman and Omar el Akkad

Mark Alexander

Thursday, May 03, 2007

What a Wonderless World It Will Be

In the past years, especially in the last ten years, Islam has been furiously putting down roots here in the West. Unfortunately, our leaders and politicians have been too ignorant and craven to stem the tide. As a result, we now learn that Islam has grown so strong here in the United Kingdom so that Shari’ah law is being established in the country in centres of dense Muslim population.

Our leaders’ ignorance of Islam, their greed to attract petrodollars, and the prevailing Zeitgeist, caused namely by the indoctrination of the population at large by the politically-correct and multicultural fanatics, have all made for an inured and rudderless electorate. The people are powerless to do anything about the trend, and the powerful lack the will and determination to do anything about it anyway.

For many, in an increasingly globalized world, the ‘mighty buck’ trumps all principles. In an increasingly secular, Western world, it is greed that trumps all. It’s a case of live for today, become as rich as possible, and damn the consequences.

If this trend continues, and as things stand it is difficult to see any reason why it won’t, then we have a lot of changes to look forward to, and our children and grandchildren are not going to thank us for not reclaiming our own heritage: Our Judeo-Christian heritage.

In view of all this, it is worthwhile taking a peek into the future, in order to see what kind of world we are going to inhabit if Islam really is going to supplant Judeo-Christianity in the West.

One thing is certain: It’s going to be a joyless world. It’s also going to be a benighted world, too. It is for this main reason that I entitled my first book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age.

Most of us are, by now, familiar with many features of Islamic societies. We are all familiar with the barbarous beheadings that take place, officially, in such countries as Saudi Arabia. We are all familiar with the cutting off of limbs for theft, and the stoning of women to death for adultery (though interestingly, rarely, if ever, men).

But there is far more to a life under Islamic, or Shari’ah law, much more to life under Islam. There is no doubt at all that the growth of Islam here in the West will impact on us all, and in many unsuspecting ways.

For a start, Islam breeds benighted thinking; Muslims, in general, are a pretty unenlightened lot: superstitious, and believing of all manner of conspiracies and rumour, and very accepting of the unscientific and unproven.

It is not without reason that Muslims today are in a state of backwardness. They have embraced technology, it’s true; but what contributions have Muslims made to the advancement of the modern world? Where Muslims have indeed made significant contributions, then they have generally made those contributions in a Western environment, having enjoyed a Western education. Many of those that have contributed have left Islam anyway.

It is no co-incidence, either, that few contributions have been made. Scientific advancement requires an open, enquiring mind, not a mind flooded with superstition and flooded in beliefs that are outdated and downright wrong.

So what kind of life will it be? Many things will change. Women will become the objects of men. They will probably be driven back into the home, too. Society will become patriarchal. It will be very much a man’s world.

Women, of course, will be forced to cover up their “charms”. The hijab will be de rigueur for all women after the age of puberty since it will be mandatory. This will lead to prurience in society. Moreover, it will be frowned upon for men to wear bright colours, or solid gold rings and jewellery, or pure silk. There will be pressure on men to keep their hair short, and the wearing of the Islamic beard in the style of the Prophet Muhammad will be encouraged, if not forced upon men. In any case, because the thinking of the day will change significantly, facial hair will become almost a must for men. (Remember: In the Muslim world, a clean-shaven man is considered to be effeminate.)

The drinking of alcoholic beverages will, of course, be outlawed. By drinking it, one will incur the wrath of the morality police or, as they are called in Saudi Arabia, The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. You will almost certainly be subjected to a good lashing for partaking of the Devil's brew. And if you think that such things will never come to pass in a Western country such as the UK or Germany, then think again. How many Christians in pre-Islamic Egypt thought that Islam would oust the then prevailing Christian culture in that country, I wonder? It is worth remembering that each and every country in which Islam has been allowed to gain a foothold, it has eventually supplanted that country’s culture with Islamic culture! There is only one exception to this rule and that was in Moorish Spain. But for the Spaniards to reclaim their country, it took centuries of hostility.

Criminals will suffer the fate of a beheading in the public square. Muslims always like to show the man being decapitated for they feel that this in itself will act as a deterrent for other would be criminals.

Churches in this new world order will be either destroyed or left to go to wrack and ruin. Even to this day in Turkey, the small, minority Christian population there are not allowed to renew and refurbish their churches and nor are they allowed to offer seminary education for their priests. All men wishing to go into the priesthood must be educated abroad. In any case, a Christian in an Islamic country is very much a second-class citizen, and if Islam should ever take over the West, the Christian will be forced to live in dhimmitude.

The eating of pork, of course will be a thing of the past, as will cooking with wines or spirits. So many of our favourite gourmet recipes will simply disappear.

Architecture will change too. The influence of Islam will certainly make its influence felt in this area. But there is something else: The styles of our houses will change greatly. Open plan buildings and houses without high garden walls will not be desired. High walls allow Muslim men to hide their women from public view. They also allow Muslims to do all the things they are disallowed from doing in public, things such as drinking alcohol.

Homophobia will be the order of the day. All Muslims have to be homophobic, because Islam frowns upon homosexuality, and as Islam is so pervasive, it is difficult, if not well-nigh impossible, to express one’s opinions in favour of equality for homosexuals openly. But in reality, there is much homosexual activity in the Islamic world. Certainly no less than there is in the Western world. This double standard is brought about because Islam fosters such a closed, closetted society. Furthermore, it should be noted that because of the strict separation of the sexes, people living in such a world tend become very prurient. Only today in the Saudi Gazette, it has been reported that Saudi men are addicted to pornography on the Web. This is hardly surprising when co-mingling with members of the opposite sex is so difficult in the real world. Western society will also become so inclined when Islam grows ever stronger here.

As I have stated so many times before, Islam and the West are diametrically-opposed to each other in all kinds of ways; indeed, they are two distinct, immiscible, cultures. There is no half way house to be: either Islam wins through, or the free West does. Like any lover of freedom and democracy, I’m hoping for the victory of the latter, but I’m not holding my breath. Given current demographic trends, and given the lack of will and determination to preserve the way of life of the free, anything can happen. We haven’t seen the worst yet. One thing is certain: There will be little joy for the ordinary citizen living under Islam and Shari’ah law; indeed, it will be a ‘wonderless’ world for us all.

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Naughty Ahmadinejad accused of acting “contrary to Sharia law”

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: Iran's president has come under fire from a conservative newspaper after he publicly kissed the hand of a woman who used to be his school teacher. Ahmadinejad accused of indecency (Read on)

Mark Alexander

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Muslim radicals establishing Shari’ah law in UK

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo courtesy of The Daily Express
DAILY EXPRESS: MUSLIM radicals have established their own draconian court systems in Britain.

Controversial Sharia courts have been set up in major towns and cities to impose Islamic law and enable Muslims to shun the legitimate British legal system.

Last night religious leaders and politicians expressed outrage that Sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in our society.

Critics insisted that the Govern­ment is allowing a two-tier legal system to flourish in the name of political correctness and that the authority of UK justice is being undermined. Now Muslims get their own laws in Britain (Read on) by Paul Jeeves

Mark Alexander