Showing posts with label lifestyle habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle habits. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wine, Beer or Spirits? Europeans Can’t Kick Their Traditional Drinking Habits

THE GUARDIAN: Researchers identify six clusters of alcohol patterns with countries sticking to same drinks and behaviours over years

Whether it is the French penchant for wine, German fondness for beer or a shot or two of sprits in the Baltics, European countries can’t seem to kick their traditional drinking habits, researchers have found.

A study looking at drinking patterns across Europe from 2000 to 2019 has found little sign of countries shifting their preferred type of alcoholic beverage, prevalence of drinking, or boozing behaviours such as binge drinking.

“This shows that cultural factors such as traditional beverage preferences, social norms around drinking, and historical consumption patterns contribute significantly to the stability of drinking patterns,” said Daniela Correia, lead author of the research from the World Health Organization (WHO) regional office for Europe.

“For instance, wine has been a staple in Mediterranean countries for centuries, while beer has deep roots in central European countries,” she said. » | Nicola Davis | Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Here we go again! First they came for the smokers; now they’re coming for the drinkers! These killjoys just won’t give up, will they? They don’t understand the concept of joie de vivre, and they won’t be satisfied until they have purged all joy and pleasure out of life!

I have said all along that after the war on smoking and smokers, they won’t stop there. On the contrary, their success in getting people to quit — and where necessary take up that ridiculous unhealthy vaping habit — they will move on to the next source of pleasure. Clearly, it is the enjoyment of alcoholic beverages. We are living in the Neo-Puritanical Age! Expunge all joy out of life!

These neo-puritans strive for their version of utopia. They are greatly mistaken. Utopia has never existed, and it never will. Furthermore, they are creating great dystopic distortions in life. By waging this unrelenting war on smoking and tobacco, they have created the problem with obesity in society. I have no scientific evidence for this; but I am absolutely convinced that these people’s war on smoking and smokers has created the problems we have today with obesity and type-2 diabetes. These people are really not as clever as they think they are.

I am pro-smoking. Let us make that very clear. But I should add that I am no longer a smoker. I quit smoking two and a quarter years ago, with great success. I have not smoked a cigarette since April 10th 2022. In many ways, as a smoker, I felt better than I do today. For starters, smoking kept me nimble and on the slim side. My weight remained constant for years. Decades really. Since quitting, however, despite eating extremely healthy foods — I eat relatively few carbs and virtually no sugar (sucrose) — my weight has ballooned! So much for quitting smoking!

Were the smoking habit not as expensive as it is today in the UK — the cost of Marlboro Reds, for example, is brushing £16 a packet, which is government extortion — I would take up the habit again. Because I felt better as a smoker than I do as a non-smoker. And, by the way, don’t fall for the nonsense that the authorities and medical profession keep pushing, namely that smoking is an addiction. It is not! Smoking is a habit. And a very enjoyable habit at that! Were it to be an addiction, I would have had withdrawal symptoms when I quit. I had NONE!

These researchers, academics, doctors, and politicians — the ones pushing all these changes in lifestyle habits — are social engineers and should be silenced. A good political leader would do just that; shut the do-gooders up! Churchill would have; and I think Margaret Thatcher would have too. — © Mark Alexander