Showing posts with label investment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label investment. Show all posts

Monday, August 01, 2022

UK Businesses Slash Investments due to Soaring Prices and Brexit

THE GUARDIAN: As many firms are now planning to cut investment as to increase it, latest polls find

UK business leaders are slashing investment plans as soaring prices, Brexit trading difficulties and political uncertainty all leave bosses pessimistic about the economic outlook.

As many firms are now planning to cut investment as to increase it, according to the Institute of Directors’ latest poll of business chiefs. That is the weakest reading since October 2020, as nervous firms rein in spending.

UK businesses’ investment intentions have been falling steadily since the start of the year, as input costs have soared and the economy has slowed, undermining efforts to lift productivity.

Business leaders are also less upbeat about their own prospects, with over half saying economic conditions in the UK are having a negative impact on their organisation, along with soaring energy costs and skills shortages. » | Graeme Wearden | Monday, August 1, 2022

Brexit is the poison that keeps on poisoning! Brexit is going to turn this once prosperous country into a basket case. I hate to say that ‘I told you so’; but I actually did.

We will now get all the pain and suffering we will deserve. No patriot would have walked away from a single market of 500,000,000 plus consumers. Who can call himself an economist who advocates such a stupid move?

Fact is, we Brits have been led up the primrose path by a bunch of ideologues, by a bunch of people who are nostalgic for our once glorious past and who refuse to come to terms with present-day reality.

The Conservative Party was once the party favorable to business and commerce; it no longer deserves that reputation.

The stark reality is that Brexiteers have been stupid in their pursuit of independence. From the very start, Brexit was a dream that could never come true with a favorable outcome. Fact is, we live in an increasingly interconnected world. It is stupid to think otherwise. Brexiteers have thought otherwise. They were stupid to think so. And as Americans often say: You can’t fix stupid! – © Mark Alexander