Showing posts with label euthenasia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label euthenasia. Show all posts

Saturday, October 05, 2024

”Assisted Dying”

MARK ALEXANDER: Assisted dying is a euphemism for euthanasia. Let us be clear about that! So, let us call it exactly what it is.

I know that there are strong arguments in favour of euthanasia, but there are also many strong arguments against it. The harsh reality is that humans have started to play God; and the Anglican Church is strangely silent on this most sensitive of issues.

Our atheist leader — the Führer — is said to be all for it. But then he would be, wouldn’t he, with his belief system, or lack of one? Surely, he will be glad to be able to pass such a bill; the billions saved for the Treasury will quickly start to fill his “black hole”.

These days, most people bundle their old and infirm into care homes, without compunction. Life is easier that way! That they do this is a sad indictment of the über-materialistic times we live in, a sad indictment of modern Western societies.

The West truly has lost its way now. Expect its demise sooner rather than later. This moral void will most certainly be filled, however. We are a post-Christian society now: people have abandoned Christianity. They have abandoned God. But I believe it is true to say that God will not have abandoned them. He will manifest Himself in another way, in another, fast-growing religion in this country: Islam.

We need to think carefully about this step into the unknown, which we appear determined to take.

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© Mark Alexander


It should be noted that doctors practise “assisted dying” already. I know this for a fact because my life’s partner was assisted in his passing in Philadelphia in 2016 under my very own eyes. His continued and long-term hospital care became too expensive for his premium health insurance to countenance. So, steps were taken to help him on his way! It was so subtle, even I didn’t realise what was happening until it was too late! – © Mark Alexander

Related video here.