Showing posts with label earnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earnings. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Die bestbezahlten Politiker: Was sie verdienen

DIE PRESSE: Betteln müssen sie alle nicht. Trotzdem gibt es zwischen den Staatschefs dieser Welt dicke Gehaltsunterschiede. Ein Überblick über die Bestverdiener:

1. Singapur

Dieser Mann spielt in einer eigenen Liga, kein anderer Politiker verdient annähernd so viel Geld wie er: Umgerechnet 2,2 Mio. Euro casht Singapurs Premierminister Lee Hsien Loong im Jahr ab. Der Gehalts-Weltmeister findet daran nichts anrüchiges: "Unsere Einstellung ist: Wenn du die besten Leute willst, dann musst du dafür auch zahlen." »

Friday, April 16, 2010

Präsident zu sein ist Nebenjob für Obama: Es bringt ihm einfach Trinkgeld ein. Der “Moonlighting” Präsident

WELT ONLINE: Finanziell gesehen, ist Barack Obama nur im Nebenjob US-Präsident. Denn das Präsidentengehalt von 374.460 Dollar macht nur einen Bruchteil seines Einkommens aus. Die nun vom Weißen Haus veröffentlichte Steuererklärung verrät, dass er mit seinen Bestseller-Büchern knapp 5,2 Millionen Dollar einnahm. Obamas verdienten 5,5 Millionen Dollar >>> dpa | Freitag, 16. April 2010

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THE TELEGRAPH: Barack and Michelle Obama Double Income in 2009 to $5.5m >>> Toby Harnden in Washington | Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Barack and Michelle Obama Double Income in 2009 to $5.5m

THE TELEGRAPH: President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle earned $5.5 million (£3.5 million) in 2009, more than twice their income in 2008, despite the economic recession.

According to the White House, the increase in earnings was due to the sales of Mr Obama's books. Photograph: The Telegraph

Mr Obama has managed to develop a political career far more lucrative than those of his predecessors.

After the first year of his first term, President George W. Bush earned $894,800 and in his last year $936,111.

In his final year in office, President Bill Clinton netted just $417,467.
The Obamas' tax return, released by the White House on Thursday - the day all Americans have to file their tax returns - showed that the Obamas earned $5.5 million last year and paid nearly $1.8 million (£1.16 million) in federal income tax.

In 2008, the Obamas made just under $2.5 million. The White House said that the increase was due to increased sales of Mr Obama's books. >>> Toby Harnden in Washington | Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Isn’t This a Perfect Example of Why the West Can’t Win the War Against Islam? Blair's Fight to Keep His Oil Cash Secret: Former PM's Deals Are Revealed As His Earnings Since 2007 Reach £20million

MAIL ONLINE: Tony Blair waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multinational oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq.

The former Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation.

Mr Blair - who has made at least £20million since leaving Downing Street in June 2007 - also went to great efforts to keep hidden a £1million deal advising the ruling royal family in Iraq's neighbour Kuwait.

In an unprecedented move, he persuaded the committee which vets the jobs of former ministers to keep details of both deals from the public for 20 months, claiming it was commercially sensitive. The deals emerged yesterday when the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments finally lost patience with Mr Blair and decided to ignore his objections and publish the details.

News of the secret deals fuelled fresh accusations that Mr Blair is 'cashing in on his contacts' from the controversial Iraq war in what one MP called 'revolving door politics at its worst'.

They will increase concerns that Mr Blair is using his role as the West's Middle East envoy for personal gain.

The revelations also shed fresh light on his astonishing earnings, which include lucrative after-dinner speaking, consultancies with banks and foreign governments, a generous advance for his forthcoming memoirs, as well as the pension and other perks he enjoys as a former Prime Minister.

The full extent of his income is cloaked in secrecy because he has constructed a complex web of shadowy companies and partnerships which let him avoid publishing full accounts detailing all the money from his commercial ventures.

Critics also point out that a large proportion of his earnings comes from patrons in America and the Middle East - a clear benefit from forging a close alliance with George Bush during his invasion of Iraq.

Last night Tory MP Douglas Carswell said of Mr Blair's links to UI Energy Corporation: 'This doesn't just look bad, it stinks.

'It seems that the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been in the pay of a very big foreign oil corporation and we have been kept in the dark about it. Read on and comment here >>> Jason Groves | Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Mystery of Tony Blair's Finances

THE GUARDIAN: Since Tony Blair stepped down, he has received millions of pounds from an unusual mixture of income streams. His financial affairs have been described as 'Byzantine' and 'opaque'. Can you shed any light on them?

Tony Blair has a consultancy, charities and a multimillion-pound book deal. Photograph: The Guardian

The former prime minister Tony Blair has received millions of pounds through an unusual mixture of commercial, charitable and religious income streams. Since he stepped down from office in 2007, his financial affairs have been described by observers as "Byzantine" and "opaque". The Guardian is now launching an online competition offering a prize to the person who can shine the brightest light on those financial structures.

Blair has a commercial consultancy, called Tony Blair Associates, plus jobs advising a US bank and a Swiss insurer. He has a multimillion pound book deal. He also has a charity, the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative, and another called the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. But much of the income, which includes charitable donations from other sources, has been funnelled through a structure called Windrush Ventures No 3 Limited Partnership. Our contest asks: what is Windrush? >>> David Leigh and Ian Griffiths | Tuesday, December 01, 2009