Showing posts with label Tory Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tory Britain. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Living Off the Fat of the Land

MARK ALEXANDER: When I was a little boy, my mother used to get milk for the family delivered right to the door by the milkman. Naturally, it would be full cream milk, or whole milk.

In those days, unless otherwise requested, most milk was unhomogenized. So the cream would separate and rise to the top of the glass bottle.

Isn’t this what happens in British society? Doesn’t all cream, the best part, always rise to the top? When this happens in society, when all fat rises to the top, it means that the privileged few, the élite, can live off the hard labours of the many that have the misfortune to be beneath them.

So the privileged few at the very top of society are allowed to live the life of Riley, whilst the less fortunate have to scratch around for a few crumbs and satisfy themselves with some whey to scape by on?

This is what life is like for so many of the less fortunate in post-Thatcherite, post-Brexit Britain.

Let us be brutally honest, the Tories have created a fine bloody mess, they have created a right screw-up. Or as we might say in German: Die Tories haben Mist gebaut! They have looked after their own interests, but have cocked a snook at the interests of the many and at the interests of the nation. And they have the nerve to call themselves patriots!

As an American might say: Go figure!

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Brits on the Edge | Documentary

Nov 17, 2023 | Britain has amongst the highest inflation in Europe with many barely having enough to keep up with rising rents, energy bills and food prices. A focus on ordinary Brits struggling to make ends meet.

WELCOME to TORY Britain after years of Thatcherism and Brexit!

Über die schlechten Umstände in denen so viele Briten nun seit Thatcherismus und Brexit leben müssen, schäme ich mich ganz und gar.

Dies ist nicht das Großbritannien, auf das ich als Kind stolz war und das ich früher verehrte. Aufeinanderfolgende Tory-Regierungen haben so viele Menschen in die Armut und einige sogar ins Elend gestürzt.

Dieses Land muss diese Regierung schleunigst aus dem Amt werfen. Um sich zu erholen, bräuchte es vielleicht sogar eine Revolution. – © Mark Alexander