Showing posts with label Steve Jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Jobs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Zitat: Steve Jobs

Ich bedanke mich bei Reni und bei Pinterest für dieses tolle Zitat.

Monday, April 05, 2021

From the 60 Minutes Archive: Steve Jobs

On the 45th anniversary of the founding of Apple, a look back at the 2011 profile of Steve Jobs, which aired just weeks after his death.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Russian Memorial to Steve Jobs Dismantled after Apple CEO Comes Out as Gay

Monument of iPhone is taken down in St. Petersburg to comply with country's laws on gay propaganda

Read the Telegraph article here

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

La maison d'enfance de Steve Jobs classée monument historique

La maison d'enfance de Steve Jobs
L’AVENIR: Une ville californienne de la Silicon Valley a classé monument historique la maison d'enfance de Steve Jobs, qui y avait notamment créé dans son garage avec Steve Wozniak, les premiers ordinateurs estampillés Apple.

Les membres de la commission historique de Los Altos, près de San Francisco, ont voté à l'unanimité pour accorder ce statut à la maison de plain-pied, au style évoquant un ranch, et qui appartient aujourd'hui à la soeur de Steve Jobs, décédé en octobre 2011.

"Il s'agit de la maison d'enfance du fondateur d'Apple Steve Jobs", rappellent-ils dans un document justifiant leur décision. "Il s'agit aussi de l'endroit où Apple a été fondé et où les 50 à 100 premiers ordinateurs Apple ont été assemblés, autant d'événements qui représentent une importante contribution à l'histoire et à l'héritage culturel de la Californie et des Etats-Unis". » | mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Steve Jobs: Apple Founder a Sexist Bully, a Skinflint and a Liar Says Chrisann Brennan, Former Partner

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The ex-girlfriend of Steve Jobs says in her tell-all biography that he could behave even more appallingly than anyone ever supposed

He was the billionaire crown prince of Silicon Valley, hailed across the world as the ablest chief executive of his generation and a visionary model to young entrepreneurs aspiring to greatness.

Yet behind closed doors, Steve Jobs could be a sexist bully, a skinflint and a pathological liar who behaved appallingly, according to a forthcoming memoir by the first girlfriend of the Apple boss.

In a candid account of their on-off relationship through the 1970s, Chrisann Brennan, the mother of Jobs’s eldest child, depicts an “emotional vortex” of a man badly scarred by his childhood.

The Apple chief, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2011 at the age of 56, is repeatedly accused of wrongdoing in The Bite in the Apple, due to be published in the United States this month.

The memoir tells the full story of how one of the most accomplished captains of American industry often behaved like a spoilt brat. » | Jon Swaine, New York | Saturday, October 19, 2013