Showing posts with label Pentecostalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pentecostalism. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Palin Has Got the Muslims Worried: “Palin's Frightening Pentecostalism”

ISLAMONLINE: While the millions of Muslims in America are observing the month of Ramadan and concentrating on gaining as many blessings as possible in this noble month, we would be deaf, dumb, and blind not to be caught up in election fever. Every media outlet is giving non-stop coverage to the contest between the Democratic Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama and Vice-Presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden and the Republican candidate John McCain and his running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Given the unpopularity of President George W. Bush and the Democratic leads in polls, most observers have assumed it to be a foregone conclusion that the Democratic candidate would win this November. Up until a few weeks ago that was a pretty safe bet. However, just as the Obama campaign began to loose steam (largely due to failing to play hardball politics with a hard-nosed GOP, many voters reluctance to vote for an African-American, and questions about Obama's background), McCain pulled a rabbit out of the hat by choosing Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.

There are three main factors that led to McCain choosing this unknown governor of a remote state; gender, culture, and religion. Gender because millions of white women in America who supported Hillary Clinton in her nomination fight with Obama are still angry that Clinton did not win but were not favorable towards McCain. Culture because Palin can reach out to and identify with rural, small town, and voters in deep suburbia like McCain and Obama cannot, due to her small town roots. Religion because Palin was raised Pentecostal and remains an evangelical Christian and these voters make up the base of the Republican Party but had been lukewarm to McCain. Now they are fired up and energized by the choice of Palin.

From a political standpoint I believe McCain made an excellent decision in choosing Palin and that she can help him win this close election (or at least come close). However, as an American and as a Muslim, I am frightened at the choice of Palin. Palin's Frightening Pentecostalism >>> By About Umar Lee

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