Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Susan Rice: Kim Jong-un Beat Trump at Summit

Susan Rice. a national security adviser to former President Obama, says that North Korea's Kim Jong Un won the summit with President Donald Trump, because Kim was able gain prestige and got Trump to end “war games” on the Korean peninsula while committing to less than previous North Korean leaders.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Iran on Trump-Kim Summit: 'North Korea Should Act with Caution' | Al Jazeera English

North Korea's relationship with the United States has gone from foe to now potential friend in a matter of months. But one country that has experienced a souring of relations with Washington is Iran. And leaders there are warning Pyongyang not to trust the Americans. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi has more from Tehran.

Lawrence: President Trump Accomplished 'Nothing' at Summit with Kim Jong-un | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence reacts to Donald Trump saying the murderous dictator of North Korea "loves his people." Nicholas Kristof says Trump is acting like a "spokesman" for North Korea by praising the country's dictator. John Heilemann and James Fallows break down what Trump failed to get at the summit.

Trump Halts War Games, Floats Troop Pullout in Korea

At the Singapore summit, President Trump announced a halt to U.S. war games on the Korean peninsula and said he wants to withdraw American troops. But if he does, he'll face stiff resistance from Congress and Pentagon, warns author James Dorsey

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Trump Speaks at G7 before Heading to North Korea Summit

President Donald Trump makes remarks at the G7 summit ahead of his planned trip to Singapore for the North Korea summit.

Life Inside: Voices from North Korea – BBC News

Speaking to ordinary citizens inside North Korea is almost impossible, with visitors heavily policed and communication with the outside world blocked. But two residents were willing to speak to the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme, despite the threat of death or imprisonment.

In North Korea, where leader Kim Jong-un has almost godlike status, to question him out loud is for many unthinkable. Citizens are taught he is all-knowing, and told to inform on dissenters - including their own family members. By speaking out, market trader Sun Hui - not her real name - knows she is putting her life at risk.

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Who Will Pay for North Korea's Hotel Bill?

The Washington Post reports North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is asking for another nation to pay for his hotel bill during the historic summit between the US and North Korea in Singapore.

Friday, June 01, 2018

North Korea Diplomacy; Trade War Looms; Italy's New Government

RT Reporter Gets Exclusive Access to Kim Jong-un’s Residence in North Korea

Amid continuing uncertainty over a US-North Korea peace summit later this month, Russia's Foreign Minister met with the leader of North Korea in person on Thursday.

RT's correspondent Ilya Petrenko has been following this meeting - and was granted EXCLUSIVE access to one of Kim Jong-Un's residences.

'Hello': RT Journalist Visits North Korean Leader’s Private Residence, Talks to Kim Jong-un's Sister

RT’s Ilya Petrenko became one of few foreign journalists to have visited Kim Jong-un's private palace

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Moon Jae-in Says Kim Jong-un Wants Denuclearisation

South Korean president addresses the media following his surprise meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. He reveals the cordiality of the meeting and indicates that Pyongyang remains committed to the US-North Korean summit scheduled for 12 June.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Have Bolton and Pence Killed US-North Korea Peace?

After cancelling his June 12th summit with Kim Jong-un, President Trump now says talks are still possible. We speak to journalist Tim Shorrock about North Korea's overlooked and misunderstood concerns and how Mike Pence and John Bolton stand in the way of peace.

Friday, May 25, 2018

What Next for North Korea? | Inside Story

Donald Trump called off much-awaited talks with Jong-un scheduled for next month in Singapore. North Korea said Trump's decision was 'extremely regrettable', a sentiment echoed worldwide, as a missed opportunity for peace.

The US President called it a 'sad moment of history'. He blamed Pyongyang's anger and open hostility for the cancellation. But both aren't ruling out a change of mind sometime in the future. The North's Vice Foreign Minister said that they are willing to meet any time to resolve any issues. So what happens to the North's nuclear weapons now?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Mintaro Oba - Former US State Department diplomat specialising in North Korea; Ra Mson - Lecturer in International Relations and Japanese Foreign Policy, University of East Anglia; Se-Woong Ko - Dormer Korean Studies Lecturer, Yale University

WW3: George Galloway : North Korea Will Never Bow To Trump