Showing posts with label Nashville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nashville. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2012

États-Unis : Un Américain inculpé pour meurtre avec décapitation

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Un Américain de 37 ans a été arrêté à Nashville après avoir décapité son colocataire. La tête de la victime été découverte dans une poubelle derrière la petite maison où il vivait.

Un Américain de 37 ans a été arrêté vendredi et inculpé du meurtre avec décapitation de son colocataire. Le corps tatoué, sans tête et à moitié dévêtu de la victime de 48 ans avait été retrouvé jeudi partiellement décomposé dans un champ dans les quartiers sud de Nashville.

Sa tête avait ensuite été découverte dans une poubelle derrière la petite maison où il vivait, a indiqué la police locale dans un communiqué. Le meurtrier présumé cohabitait avec la victime, sa femme et les trois enfants de celle-ci. » | ats/Newsnet | vendredi 13 juillet 2012

THE TENNESSEAN: Nashville tattoo artist admits to decapitating man, police say: Man says he killed roommate in argument over woman, police say » | Brian Haas, The Tennessean | Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sarah Palin Talks of 'Revolution' at Tea Party Meeting

THE TELEGRAPH: Sarah Palin tried to rally conservatives on Saturday night at a national convention of the "Tea Party" movement, taking aim at President Barack Obama on everything from big government to teleprompters.

"I believe in this movement ... America is ready for another revolution," said Palin, former Alaska governor and Republican John McCain's running mate in the 2008 election won by Obama.

The Nashville convention brought together hundreds of activists from the "Tea Party" group, which hopes to make a splash in the 2010 congressional elections and beyond.

The three-day event had been plagued by infighting, pullouts and criticism of tickets costing more than $500.

But the appearance of Palin, the darling of the US conservative movement, raised its profile and gave her a national platform to appeal directly to an emerging base for the Republican Party.

In a speech that made frequent appeals to patriotism and faith, Palin used the folksy, Washington-outsider rhetoric to lambaste Obama and his Democratic Party.

"How's that hope-y, change-y stuff working out for you?" she asked, mocking the slogans of hope and change that swept Obama's campaign into to the White House. >>> | Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sarah Palin Keynote Speech at National Tea Party Convention

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Tea Party Activists Ponder How to Win Elections: NASHVILLE—Tea Party activists gathered in Tennessee this weekend grappled with a central question looming over the burgeoning political movement: Where does it go from here?

The early consensus suggests the those most associated with Tea-Party activism might change their focus from staging political rallies like the one held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. last September, to attempting to win elections.
Susan Davis | Saturday, February 06, 2010

THE TELEGRAPH: Sarah Palin: it 'would be absurd' not to consider White House bid: Sarah Palin on Sunday set her sights on the White House, saying it "would be absurd" not to consider running against Barack Obama in 2012. >>> Alex Spillius in Nashville | Sunday, February 07, 2010

LE TEMPS: États-Unis – Nouvelle révolution conservatrice en marche? : Des centaines d’Américains représentant les «vraies valeurs de l’Amérique» se réunissent ce week-end à Nashville où se tient la première convention nationale du «tea party» >>> Luis Lema | Samedi 06 Février 2010

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Lady?

THE INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY: 'Feminine values' are making a comeback but do they have any place in today's world?

The eternal question of what makes a woman a lady has reared its well-coiffed head once again this summer thanks to a raft of new experts queuing up – politely, of course – to tell British women to polish their shoes, mind their p's and q's, and generally be a little more ladylike.

While for many the very idea of ladylike behaviour is outdated, or even risible – as illustrated by the memorable Little Britain sketches in which David Walliams cries: "I am a Laydee" – a controversial book poised to hit UK bookshops next month is seeking to rescue the term from ridicule, advocating a "return to feminine values". This may not be entirely fanciful.

At the same time, sales of the conservative magazine The Lady are soaring, and Miss Debrett, the etiquette authority's new online agony aunt, is offering women a helping hand on everything from weddings to email etiquette.

In her book How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World, Jordan Christy laments the rise of the "stupid girls", represented in the public eye by such celebrities as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, declaring our "current female landscape as "embarrassing, flippant and shallow". >>> Rachel Shields | Sunday, August 30, 2009