Showing posts with label Kyle Bristow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kyle Bristow. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Kyle Bristow – Opinion: Austria Rising

GLOBAL POLITICIAN: On September 28, 2008, Austria held elections in which right-wing nationalist political parties received 29 percent of the total vote. The left-wing British newspaper Guardian described these nationalist parties as “neo-fascist” in an article published on its website entitled “Extreme Right Emerges as Strong Force in Austria” (9/29/2008). The article goes on to say that these nationalist parties “emerged from a general election as a contender to be the strongest political force in the country for the first time.” With how Europe has been infected with severe cases of multiculturalism and multiracialism for years now, it is about time that the people rise up and let the storm break loose.

The aforementioned article states that “The combined forces of the extreme right took 29% of the vote, with Jörg Haider almost tripling the share of his breakaway Movement for Austria's Future to 11%, while his successor as Freedom party leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, saw his party soar to 18%.” When Austrian nationalists stand up and proclaim “Here marches the national resistance!” nearly a third of the electorate stands with them.

Why are Austrians flocking to the polls to vote for “neo-fascist” political parties? In my mind, the answer is quite clear: Austrians are sick and tired of being fed the politically correct garbage that Marxist scum have forced down their throats for years. 

Herr Strache, the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, said in an interview that Turkey will never be admitted into the European Union—if he had his way—“Not now, not in 100 and not in 200 years.” It is a breath of fresh air for a European statesman to suggest that it is in the interest of European people to keep Europe European. In that very same interview, Strache added “that non-EU members should not be allowed access to Austria's social service system.” Commonsense policies that nationalists promote are eagerly accepted by voters, and this scares leftists who wish to rob Europeans of their destiny by turning Europe into a multiracial, multicultural swamp in which the First World populations are replaced with Third World parasites. Was Rome destroyed not in a day, but over time, through mass immigration? Why should suicidal policies be pursued? The Austrian voters ask these questions, and their politicians have ignored them for too long. Austrians have—through democracy—rejected mass immigration in favor of keeping Austria Austrian by voting for nationalist parties. 

The Occident-hating multiculturalists must be going nuts right about now. The fact that nearly a fifth of a population of a country voted for a political party of which the leader of it describes Muslim women who wear Islamic outfits that are no less ridiculous than the most outrageous Halloween costume as “female ninjas,” who wants to create a government ministry to manage the deportation of illegal aliens and the repatriation of immigrants, who speaks of Europeans from the Balkans who immigrate to Austria as “[Our] European brothers who don’t want to be Islamized,” and the political party which has leaders who reminisce “about the days when the kiosks on Vienna’s squares sold sausage and wiener schnitzel, rather that ‘the kebab joints selling falafel and couscous, or whatever you call that stuff’” must irk the leftist, self-hating Westerners. >>> Kyle Bristow | December 23, 2008

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