Showing posts with label Hillary's health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary's health. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton Suffering the First Signs of Parkinson's? Shock Claim after 'Collapse'

EXPRESS: HILLARY CLINTON'S health has been placed under the microscope after the presidential candidate fainted and was seen stumbling at a 9/11 memorial service yesterday.

Now shocking new claims have emerged after law enforcement witnesses said she suffered a 'medical episode'. Nearly half a million YouTube users have watched a video entitled 'Exclusive report: Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's Disease, doctor confirms'.

The video shows Dr. Ted Noel, a medical expert of 30 years, claiming Hillary Clinton is exhibiting classic signs that point to Parkinson's Disease - and has been for 11 years.

Clinton's camp have said the 68-year-old has been diagnosed with pneumonia and her planned campaign schedule has been modified following doctor's orders.

So is there any truth in the Dr. Noel's claims? » | Felicity Thistlethwaite | Monday, Septemebr 12, 2016

Clinton’s Dr.: She Was Diagnosed with Pneumonia

Sep. 11, 2016 - 3:16 - Jennifer Griffin reports from Chappaqua, NY

Hillary Clinton's Illness Revealed