Showing posts with label Hamza bin Laden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamza bin Laden. Show all posts

Friday, March 01, 2019

Hamza bin Laden Loses Saudi Citizenship after US Offers $1m Reward

THE GUARDIAN: Kingdom acts against Osama bin Laden’s son, who US says has become an al-Qaida leader

Saudi Arabia has revoked the citizenship of Hamza bin Laden, after the US offered a $1m (£755,000) reward for the [the] son of the late al-Qaida leader.

The kingdom announced the news on Friday in an order in its official gazette.

Hamza bin Laden’s father, Osama, masterminded the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and was killed in a US military raid in Pakistan 10 years later.

The US State Department said the $1m reward would be paid for help locating Hamza bin Laden in any country as part its “rewards for justice” programme. » | Associated Press | Friday, March 1, 2019