Showing posts with label Chile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chile. Show all posts

Monday, March 01, 2010

At Least 700 People Dead After Earthquake in Chile

Pope Prays For Chile Quake Victims

«Eine Katastrophe unvorstellbaren Ausmasses» : Die Opferzahl nach dem Erdbeben in Chile steigt auf über 700

NZZ ONLINE: Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Chile wird das Ausmass der Schäden allmählich sichtbar. Staatspräsidentin Bachelet spricht von einer grossen Katastrophe, die Behörden haben bis anhin über 700 Tote gezählt.

Nach dem verheerenden Erdbeben in Chile mit mehreren hundert Toten haben Rettungsteams am Sonntag nach Verschütteten und Überlebenden gesucht. Zwei Millionen Menschen seien von der Katastrophe betroffen, sagte Chiles Präsidentin Michelle Bachelet in einer Fernsehansprache. Das südamerikanische Land sehe sich mit «einer Katastrophe unvorstellbaren Ausmasses» konfrontiert, so Bachelet. Zahl der Toten dürfte noch steigen >>> sda/afp/Reuters/dpa | Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tsunami Alert for Hawaii and Other Pacific Islands

Australia's East Coast on Tsunami Alert

THE WEST AUSTRALIAN: People on Australia's east coast are being warned to stay away from beaches on Sunday morning after warnings of a possible tsunami.

The alert follows a massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake which struck off the coast of Chile, toppling buildings, cutting power and killing at least 76 people.

The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) issued a tsunami watch at 7:45pm (AEDT) on Saturday declaring a "potential tsunami threat" to New South Wales, Queensland, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) said tsunami waves could start affecting Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands after 8:30am (AEDT) on Sunday.

NSW could be hit after 8:45am (AEDT) on Sunday, while Queensland could be hit after 8:15am (AEST). >>> AAP | Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chile Earthquake: Tsunami Hits New Zealand

THE TELEGRAPH: The first waves of the tsunami triggered by the earthquake in Chile have hit New Zealand's eastern Chatham Islands and officials have warned bigger waves are to follow.

New Zealand's entire east coast is at risk with waves up to three metres (10 feet) expected to hit the Chatham Islands and Banks Peninsula, near the main South Island city of Christchurch.

"It is expected that the greatest wave heights will occur between six and 12 hours after the initial arrivals," the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management said in a statement.

Residents on the Chatham Islands were moved to higher ground several hours before the first wave struck and residents in low-lying areas of Banks Peninsula had been told to be prepared to evacuate.

The biggest tsunami warning in history was marked by alarm sirens, panic buying and mass evacuations across the Pacific, eastern Asia, Australia and New Zealand. >>> Philip Sherwell in New York | Saturday, February 27, 2010
Aftermath in Chile

At Least 122 People Dead in Chile Earthquake

8.8-Magnitute Earthquake Hits Chile

Chile Earthquake: Coastal Areas of Hawaii Evacuated as Tsunami Approaches

THE TELEGRAPH: Residents in coastal areas of Hawaii are being evacuated as the Pacific island chain braces for a tsunami following a powerful earthquake off the coast of Chile.

Tsunami sirens sounded at 6am local time (1600 GMT) to alert residents to the risk posed by the waves.

Warnings were triggered on islands all across the Pacific following the 8.8 magnitude earthquake 70 miles from Chile's second largest city Concepcíon.

Tsunami waves radiated out from the epicentre and have already hit land at the southern Juan Fernandez Islands, about 400 miles off the coast of Chile, where it was reported to have caused "serious damage".

Easter Island has also been evacuated ahead of the waves hitting.

Residents in Hawaii were warned that the potentially destructive waves were forecast to reach the islands by 11.19am local time.

Experts at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said they were expecting a tsunami of more than three feet in the central Pacific.

It is the first time Hawaii has experienced voluntary tsunami evacuation since 1994.

Emergency services were laying on fleets of public buses to provide free transport for anyone needing to leave evacuation zones.

"If you live anywhere in the evacuation zone, you have to evacuate," said John Cummings, Oahu Emergency Management Department spokesman. "We're going to treat this as a destructive-type tsunami." >>> Richard Gray | Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hawaii Braces for Tsunami

HONOLULU ADVERTISER: An 8.8 earthquake in Chile triggered a tsunami warning in the Hawaiian Islands this morning, prompting residents and tourists to clog gas stations and supermarkets as they stocked up on food, water and toilet paper.

Tsunami warning signals began blaring across all islands just after 6 a.m. today and tourists in Waikiki were told to head to higher floors inside their hotels.

Officials at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center say this morning's tsunami wave should arrive at a height of 2.5 meters — or just over 8 feet — when it hits the Big Island at 11:19 a.m.

By the time it reaches Oahu 40 minutes later, the waves should only be a meter or less.

A meter is equivalent to 39 inches. But officials urged people not to be lulled by the relatively small wave heights in a state accustomed to monster waves.

"You're going to have some run-up and you're probably going to see some damage in the inundation zone area," said Victor Sardina, a geophysicist for the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. "I would hope people don't stay around the coastal area. Just go inward; stay away from the shore."

The center warned that tsunami wave heights cannot be predicted and that the first wave may not be the biggest.

Because tsunami waves wrap around the islands, all shores are at risk no matter which direction they face, officials said. >>> Advertiser Staff | Saturday, February 27, 2010
Massive Earthquake Hits Chile

THE TELEGRAPH: At least 47 people were reported dead today and large parts of South America put on tsunami alert after one of the biggest earthquakes in modern times struck southern Chile.

The quake, registered at magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale, caused buildings and bridges to collapse and led to power-black [sic] outs in parts of the Chilean capital, Santiago, 200 miles from the epicentre.

Chile's President Michele Bachelet declares "state of catastrophe" following earthquake.

Eyewitnesses spoke of panicking crowds pouring onto the streets of the city, hugging each other and crying. Telephone and power lines were down, making a quick assessment of the damage difficult in the early morning darkness. The death toll figure was broadcast by Chilean radio, citing reporters on the ground.

Meanwhile the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued an official tsunami warning notice to Chile and Peru, and a less severe tsunami "watch" notice to Ecuador.

"Sea level readings indicate a tsunami was generated," the centre said on its website. "It may have been destructive along coasts near the earthquake epicentre and could also be a threat to more distant coasts." It was not yet clear how big the tsunami was. Chilean radio stations later reported that the tsunami warning had been lifted. >>> Colin Freeman | Saturday, February 27, 2010

Séisme au Chili : une vague s'abat sur une ville côtière

Une Eglise effondrée à Santiago, la capitale chilienne. La présidentr Michelle Bachelet a déclaré l'état de catastrophe naturelle dans le centre du Chili et appelé la population au calme. Crédits photo : Le Figaro

LE FIGARO: Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 8,8 a fait au moins 82 morts dans le centre du pays. Une alerte tsunami a été lancée dans le Pacifique. Une vague de deux mètres a touché Talcahuano. Une autre vague a atteint l'île Robinson Crusoë où se trouvent plusieurs Français.

Un séisme d'une ampleur exceptionnelle, 50 fois plus fort en énergie que la secousse qui a frappé Haïti en janvier dernier. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 8,8 frappé samedi matin le Chili, provoquant la mort d'au moins 82 personnes. Selon les services de secours, les victimes ont été piégées par des murs qui se sont effondrés, mais un nombre important a également succombé à des crises cardiaques. Une alerte au tsunami a été lancée pour l'ensemble des pays de l'océan Pacifique. Une vague de tsunami de deux mètres a atteint la ville côtière de Talcahuano 20 minutes après le séisme. On ignore pour le moment l'étendue des dégâts. Par précaution, les autorités ont également évacué les côtes de l'île de Pâques, située à 3.500 kilomètres à l'ouest des côtes chiliennes.

Une grande vague a aussi frappé dans la matinée l'île Robinson Crusoé, à 660km du continent dans l'archipel des îles Juan Fernandez. La présidente chilienne Michelle Bachelet a immédiatement envoyé deux navires, deux hélicoptères et un avion chargés d'aide pour secourir les 650 habitants. Les autorités ne sont pas en mesure pour l'instant de savoir s'il y a eu des victimes. Une dizaine de Français se trouvent sur l'île Robinson Crusoë. Ces archéologues mènaieent conjointement avec un groupe homologue chilien, des recherches dans la baie Cumberland pour retrouver des vestiges d'un trois mâts espagnol du XVIIe siècle, le San Martin. Toutes les tentatives faites par l'AFP samedi pour les joindre sont demeurées vaines.

L'alerte au raz-de-marrée a été élargie par les autorités américaines, à l'ensemble des pays de l'océan Pacifique. Le Japon, l'Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, la Polynésie française et Hawaï ont émis des alertes au tsunami. En Polynésie, la circulation a été interdite à moins de 500 m des côtes. >>> Par | Samedi 27 Février 2010

Erdbeben: Tsunami-Alarm für gesamte Pazifikregion ausgelöst

WELT ONLINE: Durch das Erdbeben der Stärke 8,8 sind in Chile mehr als 80 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Viele Opfer werden noch unter den Trümmern vermutet. Für weite Teile der Pazifikregion wurde eine Tsunami-Warnung ausgelöst, so auch in Japan, Australien, Neuseeland und auf den Philippinen. Viele Küsten wurden evakuiert.

Eines der schwersten jemals gemessenen Erdbeben hat Chile erschüttert und mehr als 80 Menschen in den Tod gerissen. Das Jahrhundertbeben am frühen Samstag erreichte die Stärke 8,8 und löste einen Tsunami aus. Für nahezu die gesamte Pazifik-Region wurde eine Warnung vor der Flutwelle ausgerufen – von Südamerika, über Hawaii bis Japan und Neuseeland. Chiles Staatspräsidentin Michelle Bachelet rief Katastrophenalarm aus.

Die mächtigen Erdstöße um 3.34 Uhr Ortszeit hatten die Menschen im Schlaf überrascht. Viele rannten in Panik aus ihren Häusern und kampierten aus Angst vor Nachbeben im Freien. Das Epizentrum lag nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenwarte etwa 92 Kilometer nordwestlich der Küstenstadt Concepción. Die Erde bebte in fast 60 Kilometern Tiefe. In schneller Folge gab es mehr als 20 Nachbeben mit Stärken von bis zu 6,9. Hunderte unter Trümmern vermutet >>> dpa/AFP/kami | Samstag, 27. Februar 2010

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Nazi Fugitive 'Dr Death' Aribert Heim 'Died in Cairo in 1992 after Converting to Islam'

THE TELEGRAPH: The Nazi fugitive nicknamed "Dr Death", who was one of the most wanted war criminals, died in Cairo in 1992 after converting to Islam, it has been revealed.

Dr Aribert Heim, an Austrian member of the Waffen SS, converted to Islam and took the Islamic name Tarek Fared Hussein. He lived in Cairo. Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Nazi hunters had believed Aribert Heim, who reportedly killed hundreds of inmates with poison injections to the heart and removed his victims' organs without anaesthetic, was hiding out in Chile, where he was believed to have an illegitimate daughter.

However, the German state broadcaster ZDF announced on Wednesday that it had discovered that Heim spent nearly 30 years in the Egyptian capital before dying of bowel cancer.

In a joint investigation with the New York Times, ZDF said it had discovered that Heim became a Muslim in the early 1980s and renamed himself Tarek Fared Hussein.

After the war, he practised in West Germany as a gynaecologist but went missing in 1962 as police prepared to prosecute him.

In Cairo, Heim lived off rental income from a property he owned in Berlin. The money was transferred to him at irregular intervals by his sister, who has since died.

Heim, an Austrian member of the Waffen SS, presided over the country's Mauthausen concentration camp.

He was accused of conducting various medical experiments on the inmates, removing the organs of healthy inmates, then leaving them to die on the operating table, and turning the skull of a man he had decapitated into a souvenir paperweight. >>> By Tom Leonard in New York | Thursday, February 5, 2009

WELT ONLINE: KZ-Arzt Aribert Heim ist schon lange tot

Der meistgesuchte NS-Verbrecher Aribert Heim ist nach Informationen der "New York Times" und des ZDF schon lange tot. Der frühere KZ-Arzt sei bereits am 10. August 1992 in Kairo an Krebs gestorben. Aribert Heim, der auch als "Dr. Tod" bezeichnet wurde, war zuletzt in Südamerika vermutet worden.

Heim galt als extrem grausam. Augenzeugen berichteten, er habe aus der gegerbten Haut eines Opfers einen Lampenschirm für den Lagerkommandanten herstellen lassen. Er arbeitete als Arzt in den Konzentrationslagern Sachsenhausen (1940), Buchenwald (1941) und Mauthausen (1941). Ihm wird unter anderem vorgeworfen, in Mauthausen Hunderte Häftlinge mit tödlichen Injektionen auch direkt ins Herz umgebracht zu haben.

Der 1914 geborene Österreicher praktizierte nach dem Krieg in Baden-Baden als Frauenarzt und war seit 1962 auf der Flucht. Gegen ihn besteht ein internationaler Haftbefehl. Das Simon-Wiesenthal- Zentrum hatte in Anzeigen in Südamerika mit Verweis auf die Belohnung von 315.000 Euro um Hinweise gebeten.

Laut der Mitteilung des ZDF war Heim zu seiner Tarnung Anfang der 80er Jahre zum Islam konvertiert und trug seitdem den Namen Tarek Farid Hussein. Das ZDF habe eine Aktentasche von Heim gefunden, in der sich mehr als 100 Dokumente befanden. Darunter seien die Kopie eines ägyptischen Passes, Anträge auf Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen, Kontoauszüge, persönliche Briefe und medizinische Unterlagen gewesen. Danach lasse sich zweifelsfrei nachweisen, dass Hussein der gesuchte Nazi-Verbrecher war. >>> dpa/AP/gr | Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009 Le Dr de Mauthausen serait mort

On le croyait en fuite, il serait en fait mort depuis 1992. Une enquête menée conjointement par la chaîne publique allemande ZDF et le New York Times a permis de découvrir que le criminel de guerre nazi, Aribert Heim, serait décédé au Caire cette année là. Surnommé le "médecin de la mort", il est accusé d'avoir tué des centaines de prisonniers dans le camp de concentration de Mauthausen.

Il était l'un des criminels nazis les plus recherchés au monde. Ces derniers mois, on le disait en Argentine, ou dans le Sud du Chili. Il n'en est rien: Aribert Heim, surnommé le "médecin de la mort" pour ses expérimentations durant la Seconde guerre mondiale dans le camp de concentration de Mauthausen, en Autriche, est mort au Caire en 1992. L'information a été dévoilée mercredi soir par le New York Times et la chaîne publique allemande ZDF, qui ont mené ensemble une longue enquête. Aribert Heim est accusé d'avoir tué des centaines de prisonniers dans ce camp de concentration à l'automne 1941, prisonniers sur lesquels il multipliait les expérimentations: vivisection, injection de toxines dans le coeur. Fait prisonnier par les Américains à la libération, "le médecin de la mort" ["Docteur Tod", littéralement "Docteur la Mort", ndlr) avait été relâché deux ans plus tard. Il s'était alors installé en Allemagne, à Baden-Baden. Son nom avait refait surface en 1961 cours du procès d'un ancien nazi, un témoin l'évoquant sous le nom de "boucher de Mauthausen". Il avait alors pris la fuite.

Selon les informations obtenues par les deux médias, il a en fait passé près de 30 ans au Caire. Converti à l'islam dans les années 1980, il avait pris le nom de Tarek Farid Hussein. Selon la ZDF, il est mort d'un cancer intestinal le 10 août 1992 à l'âge de 78 ans. La chaîne s'appuie notamment sur le témoignage de son fils, Ruediger Heim. Ce dernier a raconté s'être occupé de son père pendant plusieurs mois dans la capitale égyptienne, après une opération chirurgicale en 1990. >>> Par M.E., | Jeudi 05 Février 2009

BBC: Nazi Hunters' Doubt Over 'Death'

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has expressed doubts about a report that Aribert Heim, one of the most-wanted Nazi criminals, died in Egypt in 1992.

"There's no body, no corpse, no DNA, no grave," Efraim Zuroff, the centre's leading Nazi hunter, told AP agency.

On Wednesday, Germany's ZDF TV reported that Heim died in Cairo, saying it had found his passport and other documents.

Heim is accused of killing hundreds of inmates at a concentration camp where he was a doctor during World War II.

'Too perfect'

On Thursday, Mr Zuroff said the report about Heim's death raised "more questions than it answers".

"We can't sign off on a story like this because of some semi-plausible explanation," he said.

"Keep in mind these people have a vested interest in being declared dead - it's a perfectly crafted story; that's the problem, it's too perfect," Mr Zuroff told the AP.

In its report, ZDF quoted witnesses, including Heim's son, as confirming that Aribert Heim, who was also known as Doctor Death, died in 1992.

It said it had found a number of Heim's personal documents, including his passport and personal letters, in a hotel room in Cairo where he lived under a pseudonym.

The TV channel, working with the New York Times newspaper, also said Heim had converted to Islam. >>> | Thursday, February 5, 2009

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