Showing posts with label Channel 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Channel 4. Show all posts

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Channel 4 History of Islam Sparks Flood of Complaints and Presenter Tom Holland Subjected to Torrent of Abusive Tweets

MAIL ON SUNDAY: Channel 4 is at the centre of a storm over a programme it broadcast on the history of Islam.

Islam: The Untold Story has triggered nearly 550 complaints to both the television regulator Ofcom and Channel 4 itself.

It has also sparked a bitter war of words on Twitter involving leading historians and Islamic scholars.

Since it was screened last week, presenter Tom Holland, a historian with a double first from Cambridge, has been subjected to a torrent of abusive tweets, some of which have included physical threats.

He is accused of distorting the history of Islam by claiming the Koran makes little or no reference to the religious city of Mecca.

One Twitter user accused Mr Holland of trying to destroy Islamic history while another called him a ‘fool’ for suggesting Islam is a ‘made-up religion’. » | Robert Verkaik | Sunday, September 02, 2012

Related video »

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Islam: The Untold Story

Historian Tom Holland explores how a new religion - Islam - emerged from the seedbed of the ancient world, and asks what we really know for certain about its rise. The result is an extraordinary detective story.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Muslim Council of Britain Rejects Allegations of a TV Documentary

ASSOCIATED PRESS OF PAKISTAN: LONDON - The UK’s largest Muslim organization-Muslim Council of Britain- has rejected all allegations leveled in a TV documentary claiming that the association was attempting to turn Britain into an Islamic Republic. “We reject entirely the allegation that the MCB is “dominated” by any organisation/s. The MCB, with over 500 affiliates, has a rigorous election process with elected officials from a wide range of Islamic backgrounds.

Simply put, there is no scope whatsoever, real or perceived, for any affiliate/s or group of affiliates to dominate the decision-making process. The Dispatches programme has failed to provide even a single shred of evidence of how “undue influence” by any affiliate or group of affiliates has actually been exercised,” The MCB said in a statement in response to the programme screened on Monday evening by the UK domestic TV Channel 4.

The media spokesman Tufael Ahmed said: “Last night’s Dispatches fronted by Andrew Gilligan has once again resurrected stereotypes. Using out of context quotations, he echoes the rhetoric of far-right extremists, that British Muslims are somehow foreign, alien, extremist and imposing their way of life on the others.”

“The core of the programme accuses the Islamic Forum Europe (IFE) and the East London Mosque of fostering ‘Islamist’ extremism and that the IFE has an undue and pernicious influence over the politics of our country.” >>> APP | Tuesday, March 02, 2010
This Secretive Agenda Must Be Taken Seriously

THE TELEGRAPH: Telegraph View: Developments in Tower Hamlets are worrying news for British democracy

Radical Muslims, in their unguarded moments, are unrepentant about what they believe to be their religious duty: the replacement of secular, tolerant and liberal democracy in Britain by a rigid theocracy, in which the country is governed by Islamic law. Those who aspire to that goal are usually, and correctly, dismissed as a tiny minority who are unrepresentative of the moderate majority of British Muslims. But it would be wrong to dismiss the extremists as insignificant. The evidence we publish today [Saturday, February 27, 2010] suggests that at least one such group has infiltrated parts of the Labour Party, and has taken over important aspects of the running of the London borough of Tower Hamlets.

If the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) was open and frank about its aims, voters would be able to make up their own minds about whether they wanted to see its members in any form of government in Britain. It is part of any democratic system worthy of the name that those who abide by the rule of law are entitled to campaign in elections, even if we find their beliefs objectionable. But some members of the IFE demonstrate in private that they have an agenda that they are not willing to share with the electorate. They have also demonstrated that they are unwilling to abide by the procedures which are essential if elections are to be free and fair. As we report today, Jim Fitzpatrick, the MP for Tower Hamlets, believes that the party has been infiltrated by radical Muslims – just as it was infiltrated in the 1980s by the Militant Tendency. The IFE denies any such campaign. But its denials would be more credible if, in public, the IFE was not presented as simply a "social welfare organisation" committed to "community cohesion" and "tolerance" – while in private, it shows itself to be committed to replacing democracy by a theocracy based on Islamic law. >>> Telegraph View | Sunday, February 28, 2010


Dispatches: Britain’s Islamic Republic >>> Channel 4 | Monday, March 01, 2010

Britain's Islamic Republic >>> Channel 4 | Monday, March 01, 2010

Islamic Radicals 'Infiltrate' the Labour Party >>> Andrew Gilligan | Saturday, February 27, 2010
Dispatches: Britain’s Islamic Republic

Link: Dispatches Britain’s Islamic Republic

Monday, March 01, 2010

Britain's Islamic Republic

CHANNEL 4 – Dispatches: Dispatches investigates a fundamentalist Islamic group headquartered in Britain, and its claims to have placed its 'brothers' in positions of political power here.

Using undercover recordings, investigative journalist Andrew Gilligan reveals the group's ambitions to create a worldwide 'Islamic social and political order,' and the concerns of a mainstream party that they are being 'infiltrated'; and talks to the Muslims who want to stop it. [Source: Channel 4] | Monday, March 01, 2010

This hour-long documentary will be broadcast on Channel 4 at 8pm this evening. If you miss it, it will be brought to you on this website as soon as it becomes available in suitable format. Please keep checking back. – Mark

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Dark Age Alert! Weak, Cowardly Politicians in the Process of Giving the Once Great Britain Away to the Adherents of a Seventh-century Cult

THE TELEGRAPH: Channel 4's decision to invite President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to deliver its "alternative" Christmas message may have been offensive to many people, but no one can say the station is neglecting its obligation to cater for minorities. Muslim fundamentalists were thrilled by the broadcast.

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in Britain: the number of Muslims has grown from 1.6 million to two million since 2000. Moreover, every major public institution has changed its policies to accommodate the demands of Islamic "community leaders". The Government, the Opposition, the police, schools, the Church of England, the BBC and now Channel 4 are all helping Muslims construct a parallel Islamic state.

Early next year, the think tank Civitas will publish a survey of 100 British Muslim schools. Entitled When Worlds Collide, it will argue that some of them are pushing pupils into ghettos. Young women, in particular, are forbidden to pursue career opportunities. "Every year, an incalculable number of Muslim young women are lost to the wider world," says the report. One school website links to al-Qaeda; another directs pupils to a scholar who advocates the murder of Jews.

Until recently, these radical mullahs were blamed for turning disaffected youths into bombers. But, in August, a leaked MI5 report revealed that Islamist terrorists tend not to be obvious religious extremists. The Muslim community usually knows nothing about them.

For years, the Government has offered Muslim leaders self-governance in return for information about "dangerous" elements. But if terrorists cannot be accurately identified, this is a waste of time. Unelected community leaders extend control over Muslims, yet society is no safer.

Self-censorship is crucial to this growing separatism. The BBC's director-general, Mark Thompson, says that Muslims should be treated more sensitively than Christians. Indulgence of Islam Is Harming Society >>> By Damian Thompson | Saturday, Dcember 27, 2008

CHANNEL 4: Ahmadinejad’s Alternative Christmas Message

NZZ Online:
Entrüstung über Ahmadinejads Weihnachtsansprache: Britischer Sender strahlt «Alternative» zur Rede der Queen aus >>> | Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008

Ahmadinejad: "Jesus würde gegen vorherrschende Systeme kämpfen" >>> | Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008

Elizabeth II et Ahmadinejad offrent leurs vœux aux Anglais >>> | Vendredi 26 Décembre 2008

WELT ONLINE: Auch Deutschland kapituliert!

Foto dank Google Images

WELT ONLINE: Gläubige Muslimas durften im Schwimmbad bislag nur zusehen. Schließlich sind knappe Bikinis und gemeinsames Plantschen mit Männern nach strenger Koran-Auslegung tabu. Jetzt hat der Berliner Innensenator das Tragen spezieller Bademode erlaubt. Was viele Frauen als Befreiung empfinden, sehen andere dagegen kritisch.

Gläubige muslimische Frauen dürfen sich in Berlin auf die kommende Badesaison freuen: Der Berliner Innensenator Ehrhart Körting (SPD) hat ihnen jetzt das Tragen eines "Burkini", einer islamisch korrekten Badebekleidung aus Burka und Bikini, in städtischen Bädern erlaubt. Gläubige muslimische Frauen können mit dem Burkini (in der Türkei vielfach auch "die Hasema" genannt) ab sofort auch die Hallenbäder nutzen.

Der weit geschnittene Islam-Badeanzug besteht aus einer langen Hose und einem langärmligen Oberteil mit separat erhältlicher Kapuze – sie ersetzt das Kopftuch. In Schwimmbädern die korrekte Kleidung für gläubige Muslimas, denn nach strenger Auslegung des Korans dürfen sie sich fremden Männern nicht unbedeckt zeigen. Und dazu zählt im Zweifel auch der Bademeister. Vereinzelt bieten öffentliche Hallenbäder deshalb zu bestimmten Zeiten "muslimisches Frauenschwimmen" an; vorhandene Fensterfronten der Bäder werden dazu mit Vorhängen verdeckt. Betreut werden die Schwimmerinnen dabei von ausschließlich weiblichem Personal. >>> lha | Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Undercover Mosque: The Return

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
Vile Sisters of No Mercy

MIRROR: The excellent Channel 4's Dispatches last night infiltrated the "sister's circle" at Regent's Park Mosque.

It all sounds perfectly innocent, a group of Muslim women enjoying, as we all do, quality time in the company of like-minded friends.

But ladies expecting tips on turning a pair of curtains into a burkha or a session of recipe-swapping might be shocked to find the "sisters" in earnest debate over more vexing issues.

Such as the fate of homosexuals: should they be thrown from a high place before being killed or merely stoned to death? Or how should the problem Muslim who converts to a different faith be treated?

From female preacher Um Saleem, a hardline Islamist solution: "Kill him, kill, kill, kill understand."

Oh yes, I think we get the message.

If Dispatches: Undercover Mosque - The Return made your stomach turn, imagine how the image of "sisters" preaching violent intolerant prejudice in the name of Allah will affect the majority of Muslims.

The rabid Miss Saleem says she doesn't believe Muslims should live in Britain, "land of the evil, land of the disbelievers".

Well, don't let us keep you, love. [Source: Mirror] By Sue Carroll | September 2, 2008

Women Preachers at Moderate Mosque ‘Urge Faithful to Kill Gays’ >>> By Abul Taher | August 31, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Diana: "Fascination and Controversy"

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo of Princess Diana courtesy of Google Images
BBC: Channel 4 will broadcast photos of the crash that killed Princess Diana despite a plea from her sons.

Prince William and Prince Harry's private secretary wrote to the channel saying they felt it would be a "gross disrespect" to their mother's memory.

Channel 4 said it decided to run the images in the documentary on Wednesday after considering the princes' concerns against wider public interest. C4 rebuffs Diana photographs plea (more)

C4 rebuffs Diana images plea

Mark Alexander