Showing posts with label Battie Hattie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battie Hattie. Show all posts

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Stupid! Battie Hattie is at it again. For God’s Sake Let Children Be Children!

People are not getting involved in the voting process because they are fed up – yes, FED UP – with the politicians elected to represent them. This is no reason to give CHILDREN voting rights; rather, it is a good reason for politicians to sharpen up their act, to get with the story! What the HELL is this government trying to do to our democracy? Vote the BASTARDS OUT of office as SOON as you POSSIBLY can. With this idiotic logic, then we might as well give children of 14 years of age, or 12, or even 10 the right to vote. For God's sake, get REAL! - © Mark

THE TELEGRAPH: The voting age could be lowered to 16 to encourage young people to get involved in politics, Harriet Harman has suggested.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the deputy leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the House of Commons, warned that drastic action was needed to tackle a crisis in Britain's democracy caused by low turnout among younger voters. Children of 16 may be given the vote >>> By Rachel Sylvester and Alice Thomson

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)