Showing posts with label Arkansas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arkansas. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

It Was Inevitable That the Book Ban Wars Would Reach Book Stores

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ESQUIRE: A judge slapped a temporary hold on an Arkansas law that would criminalize librarians and bookstore owners for giving kids access to The Bluest Eye or something.

It's still hard to get the mind around the fact that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the actual governor of an actual state in the actual United States of America. Still, it's a sad fact of democracy and we can't avoid it if we're going to understand how Arkansas became ground zero for book banning and other assorted manifestations of our delicately tailored modern fascism. On Sunday, a federal judge named Timothy Brooks slapped a temporary hold on one of Sanders' pet project— a law that would criminalize librarians and bookstore owners who provide "harmful material" to minors, "harmful" being defined by luxuriously financed pressure groups, ambitious conservative politicians, and the members of the First Church Of Christ, Nuisance. » | Charles P. Pierce | Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Arkansas Republicans' Comments on Slavery, Muslims Stir Controversy

REUTERS.COM: Republicans in Arkansas are struggling to get past the controversy generated by a state lawmaker who wrote that slavery might have benefited blacks and a candidate who has advocated expelling Muslims from the United States.

The Republican politicians' comments have been roundly criticized and have created an opportunity for Democrats ahead of the November 6 election. Arkansas has a Democratic governor but has voted Republican in the past three presidential elections.

In his self-published 2009 book titled "Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative," state Representative Jon Hubbard of Jonesboro, Arkansas, writes that "the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise."

Hubbard, a retired teacher and Vietnam veteran who was elected to the statehouse in 2010, also wrote, "Wouldn't life for blacks in America today be more enjoyable and successful if they would only learn to appreciate the value of a good education?"

His book also says that blacks "are likely much better than they ever would have enjoyed living in sub-Saharan Africa."

Charles Fuqua of Batesville, Arkansas, is currently seeking a House of Representatives seat. His e-book "God's Law: The Only Political Solution" came out in April on Amazon.

"I see no solution to the Muslim problem short of expelling all followers of the religion from the United States," he writes in his book, according to The Arkansas Times newspaper. » | Suzi Parker | LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas | Saturday, October 06, 2012