Neither Keir Starmer nor many in his regime behave like socialists at all. They come over as pro-capitalist wannabees! Keir Starmer is cold and cruel. His sidekick, Cruella de Ville, is just living up to the name people have given her because of her cold-heartedness. If one cannot expect a modicum of compassion and empathy from a socialist government, there is little hope for the underprivileged. – © Mark Alexander
Friday, March 21, 2025
Stephen Fry, Stanley Tucci and Other Celebrities Speak Out against Welfare Cuts
Neither Keir Starmer nor many in his regime behave like socialists at all. They come over as pro-capitalist wannabees! Keir Starmer is cold and cruel. His sidekick, Cruella de Ville, is just living up to the name people have given her because of her cold-heartedness. If one cannot expect a modicum of compassion and empathy from a socialist government, there is little hope for the underprivileged. – © Mark Alexander
welfare cuts