Sunday, October 20, 2024

Londonistan: The Rise of Islam and the Decline of Churches in the UK

Oct 11, 2024 | In this video, we explore the transformation of London, often dubbed "Londonistan," where mosques are rising while historic churches are closing their doors.

Once dominated by Christianity, the city is now witnessing a surge in the Muslim population and the construction of over 1,800 mosques, replacing some of the oldest churches.

Is this a sign of Christianity's decline, or is it a reflection of a more diverse and inclusive society?

Join us as we examine the growing influence of Islam in the UK and what it means for the future of London. From Sharia courts to packed Friday prayers, we unravel the demographic shift that's shaping the capital.

If you found this short video depressing, I’m not surprised. One can but wonder how long it is going to take for a complete take-over of this ‘Sceptered Isle’? And when that happens, will Trafalgar Square be turned into ‘chop-chop square’ for public beheadings? There are other questions that need to be asked, too: When will the burqa become mandatory on our streets for British women? When will the drinking of alcohol be outlawed? And when will special licences be required for the dwindling ‘Christian’ population to be able to purchase their pork rations from the ever-fewer pork butchers?

If you conclude from this that our politicians have lacked spine, you’d be right. If you conclude from this that the concepts of wokeness and political correctness have been thought-up to spare our politicians the discomfort of taking difficult decisions, you’d also probably be right. And if you are wondering why the far-right are on the march right across Europe and the Western world, don’t! The growth of the far-right is perfectly understandable. The Occident is being turned into the Orient right before our eyes. — © Mark Alexander