Thursday, August 08, 2024

Far-right Rioters in England Deterred by ‘Swift Justice’, Says Policing Minister

THE GUARDIAN: Diana Johnson says ‘we will come for you’ for online activity as much as physical violence on streets

Far-right rioters have been deterred by the administration of “swift justice”, the policing minister has said as she warned there would be further arrests and charges brought against suspects.

Diana Johnson said the de-escalation of violence on Wednesday night was “just the start” and argued that the speedy mobilisation of police officers had had a deterrent effect.

Shops were boarded up across the country in response to the threat of more than 100 planned anti-immigration protests, but in most places these failed to materialise after thousands of peaceful anti-racism demonstrators turned out.

Johnson told BBC Breakfast that the counter-demonstrations showed the UK’s “tradition of peaceful protest”. » | Eleni Courea, Political correspondent | Thursday, August 8, 2024

United against hate: England’s counter-protesters left with little to counter: From Newcastle to London to Bristol, anti-racist demonstrators stood up against threat of further racist riots »