Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump Says Taiwan Should Pay the US for Its Defence as ‘It Doesn’t Give Us Anything’

THE GUARDIAN: Trump’s interview with Bloomberg will call into question Washington’s support for the island democracy should he win back the White House

Donald Trump has said Taiwan should pay the US for protection from China, calling into question Washington’s support for the island democracy should he win back the White House in November’s presidential election.

In response to Trump’s comments, premier Cho Jung-tai said Taiwan and the US have good relations despite the lack of formal ties, but added that Taiwan was increasing its capabilities to defend itself.

In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek on Tuesday, Trump was asked if he would defend Taiwan against China if he wins the US election in November. China’s ruling Communist party claims Taiwan as a province and has vowed to annex it, refusing to rule out the use of military force. The US does not formally recognise Taiwan but is it’s most important security partner.

In response to the question Trump said Taiwan should be paying the US to defend it, that the US was “no different than an insurance company” and that Taiwan “doesn’t give us anything”. » | Helen Davidson in Taipei | Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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