Thursday, July 04, 2024

LGBT Rights in East Germany

Dec 6, 2023

Please note well that the mere fact that I am posting this video here should not be in any way misconstrued. I am not posting it because I have any liking for the then GDR, communist East Germany; rather, I am posting it for educational purposes. I, for one, had absolutely no idea that the GDR was progressive in matters gay rights.

Truth to tell, I have trouble understanding why others have trouble with two people of the same sex loving each other anyway. Many people’s attitudes would point to them being in some way pious, whereas, in actual fact, they are usually most certainly not. And how many of those homophobes eat shellfish or have tattoos? Lest we forget, these two things are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN by the Bible. Check out Leviticus! And how many of us mix fibres when we dress ourselves in the morning? Or transgress when it comes to the many other dietary laws and restrictions — the many proscriptions clearly set out in the Bible? – © Mark Alexander