Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Brazil’s Unparalleled Spate of Book Bans Is Page Out of US Culture Wars

THE GUARDIAN: A series of bans on volumes with race, gender and LGBTQ+ themes have proliferated in recent years

It started with a social media video: a school principal from a medium-sized Brazilian city lashed out against an award-winning novel, saying it was “disgusting” and disrespectful of “good manners”.

The next day, the local department of education ordered all schools in nearby cities to remove the book from their libraries.

In less than a week, three other states also banned O Avesso da Pele, by Jeferson Tenório – published in the UK as The Dark Side of Skin – from their schools.

The book ban in March, was the most high-profile in a series of such cases which have proliferated in Brazil in recent years.

Works targeted for banning typically involve race, gender and the LGBTQ+ communities. » | Tiago Rogero in Rio de Janeiro