Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunak Launches Defence of Tories’ 14 Years in Power as Campaign Nears End

THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister reiterates stance that Britain’s economic problems are the result of Covid and war in Ukraine

Britain is better off than it was 14 years ago, Rishi Sunak has said, as he launched a combative defence of his party’s record in power with just four days to go until the election.

In what polls suggest will be his final Sunday morning interview as prime minister, Sunak defended his party’s achievements since 2010, saying the country’s recent economic problems were the result of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

He told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg: “[This] is a better place to live than it was in 2010. Of course, I understand that the last few years have been difficult for everyone – we had a once in a century pandemic, followed by a war in Ukraine that drove up everyone’s bills – and of course, that’s been difficult for everybody.” » | Kiran Stacey, Political correspondent | Sunday, June 20, 2024

Rishi Sunak is delusional if he thinks that the UK is a better place to live in now than it was in 2010! How out of touch can a prime minister be? For him, with all the millions he has flowing into his bank accounts each and every week, it might be a better place. But for most people it is a far, far worse country to live in.

Sunak is fond of citing the pandemic, the Ukraine war, and energy prices as causes of economic difficulties and HUGE price rises, but he is determined never to cite Brexit as a cause. Make no mistake about it: Brexit was one of the main causes of our difficulties — nay, probably the main cause — of the economic difficulties. Other Europeans had to live through the pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the huge rise in energy prices too. But as they haven’t exited from the Single Market, they have been able to pick themselves up more quickly ever since. Sunak, of course, doesn’t want to mention Brexit because he was the arch-Brexiteer.

What these Tories have done to this country and its economy is absolutely shameful. I never thought I would live to see the day in which the Tories, of all parties, would have made such a mess of the economy.

The Tory Party is clearly past its use-by date. — © Mark Alexander