Friday, June 21, 2024

Rishi Sunak Suggests Young People Might Face Sanctions for Refusing National Service

Jun 21, 2024 | Rishi Sunak has indicated that young people might face restrictions on access to finance or driving licences if they refuse to do national service, as he faced a TV quizzing from voters.

Asked during a BBC Question Time special what sanctions people could face for declining to take part in the Conservative policy of compulsory national service for all 18-year-olds, the prime minister pointed to 'driving licences, or the access to finance, all sorts of other things' Rishi Sunak floats sanctions on young people for refusing national service

Who’d want to be young in Sunak’s Britain? Sanctions for the young people who refuse to take part in national service, and they won’t be allowed to smoke a cigarette while doing it, either! Kill for your country, and perhaps be killed, but don’t expect to be able to enjoy a smoke, because cigarettes might kill you in fifty years’ time!

Kick this arrogant and petulant little pip squeak out of Number 10! Send him packing. – © Mark Alexander

Read the Guardian article here.