Saturday, June 29, 2024

Revealed: How Sunak Dropped Smoking Ban amid Lobbying from Tobacco Firms

THE GUARDIAN: Investigation details industry campaign including legal threats and charm offensive aimed at Tory MPs

Rishi Sunak abandoned his “legacy” policy to ban smoking for future generations amid a backlash from the tobacco industry in the form of legal threats, lobbying and a charm offensive aimed at Conservative MPs, an investigation reveals.

The UK had been on course to become the first country to ban smoking for future generations, via the tobacco and vaping bill, which Downing Street hoped would help define Sunak’s place in British political history.

An investigation by the Guardian and the Examination, a non-profit newsroom that investigates global health threats, has uncovered how the UK’s largest cigarette companies fought against the policy, which would have raised the smoking age by one year every year. » | Rob Davies and Matthew Chapman | Saturday, June 29, 2024

I should think so too! This draconian smoking ban would have been as undemocratic and illiberal as it would have been unworkable and unfair. It is not the business of government to interfere in an adult’s lifestyle choices. A government can and should inform of the dangers of smoking (or other lifestyle choice), but ultimately, it is up to the adult to decide. For heaven’s sake, stop this unrelenting war on smoking! Governments have far more important things to deal with. And in any case, people these days are up to far worse things than enjoying a few puffs on a cigarette. These days, people are into marijuana/cannabis, cocaine — London is the cocaine capital of the world — opioids, Ecstasy, and much else besides. And what about those awful, silly-looking, unhealthy vapes? New research is beginning to show that e-cigarettes are unhealthier than conventional cigarettes! By the way, just in case you think I am biased because I smoke. I am not! I am now a non-smoker and have been for more than two years. Moreover, even if I were still a smoker, this ban wouldn't affect me because of my age. However, I still think that such a ban is wrong. I will always defend the right of smokers. Why? Because I know how much pleasure I derived from smoking and because I know that if a government will be able to get away with such a ban, it won’t stop at smoking. Soon, other pleasures will be banned. Alcohol will surely be next. What comes after alcohol is anyone’s guess. In a few words: Stop interfering in people’s private lives; stop being so meddlesome! – © Mark Alexander

Guardian playing nanny yet again! Nanny simply will not stop trying to control us! »