Friday, June 21, 2024

Britain Betrayed? How Dark Money Corrupted Brexit | DISPATCH | Full HD UK Politics Documentary | Reupload

Jun 20, 2024 | Brexit was presented as a populist revolution against the élite. But in the years since the referendum, a group of men deep in the heart of the British establishment have been carrying out a coup of a different kind – using Brexit to try and turn Britain into a low-tax, low-regulation, high-finance utopia. This revolution is funded by dark money – cash from unknown sources – which has been flooding into the British political system through mysterious front groups, opaque offshore firms, clandestine digital campaigns, and corporate lobbyists in disguise.

Today, dark money and shadowy influence-operations continue to push an agenda that is anything but popular, and is deeply undemocratic.

In this film, we follow the dark money trails to find out: who are the men who bought Brexit, and what is their vision for Britain’s future?

This documentary was first released in 2021.

With a general election coming up, we, the electorate, have the opportunity to punish severely the bastards who have ruined the British economy. Don’t allow yourselves to be fooled by sweet talk by loudmouths! Kick the bastards into the long grass! – © Mark Alexander