Sunday, February 25, 2024

We Confronted Zealous Imams in America’s Muslim City | Documentary

May 29, 2024 | What happens when Muslims take over an American city? Pro-Hamas parades, animal sacrifice, burqas, a ban on LGBT flags, Arabic signs, male and female entrances to Mosques, restrictions on music lessons in schools, the call to prayer blasting over loudspeakers; Strolling the streets of Hamtramck, Michigan, one can hardly recognise that this was once a mighty American industrial centre. A new GB News documentary with US Correspondent Steven Edginton goes to America's only Muslim city to investigate how Islam has changed the town.

The tiny city is known as ‘the world in two square miles’ due to its hugely diverse population. Bosnians, Poles, Bangladeshis, African Americans, French, Germans, and Yemenis are among the many nationalities who populate or once populated the town.

Until a few decades ago Hamtramck was dominated by Poles; one resident told us it was typical to solely speak Polish, read local Polish newspapers, go to Polish banks and go to one of three Polish churches. Just one such church remains now. A flurry of Mosques have taken their place.

Conservative Yemeni Muslims have flooded into Hamtramck in recent years. In 2021 Hamtramck made history when it became the first American city to elect a full Muslim council and mayor. After 100 years of continuous Polish mayors and politicians, not one remains in local government.