Sunday, August 13, 2023

Arrest of Saudi Scholar and Influencer Another Sign of Social Media Crackdown

THE GUARDIAN: Detaining of public health expert Mohammed Alhajji comes as a shock as he was seen as apolitical

Mohammed Alhajji in 2019. No reason has been given for the arrest of the academic, who got his PhD in the US. Photograph: Muslim World League

A prominent Saudi scholar and Snapchat influencer has been arrested by Saudi authorities in what experts said was evidence of the kingdom’s extreme crackdown on social media users.

The arrest of Mohammed Alhajji, a public health expert who completed his dissertation in the US, follows the disappearance and recent arrests of other prominent influencers for “crimes” that include the perceived criticism of the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and support for women’s rights.

Alhajji’s arrest was confirmed by two sources with close knowledge of the matter.

There was no indication or additional information about why the influencer – who was seen as apolitical and supportive of the Saudi government – was detained. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner | Sunday, August 13, 2023

Saudis accused of using Snapchat to promote crown prince and silence critics: Critics say app – partly owned by a Saudi investor – promoting image of Mohammed bin Salman while critical voices are punished »