Wednesday, July 05, 2023


Jul 5, 2023 | The NHS is in imminent danger.

Keep the American healthcare system well away from Britain. The American healthcare system is the last thing we need here. I speak from experience – a lot of experience. My late partner was an American, a well-heeled American; so he was well-insured. But I could write a book on the flaws of that healthcare system. God help the Americans who are down-at-heel!

American healthcare is the privilege of the rich. It is not a right enjoyed by everyone. It is also a very expensive healthcare system. Expensive to run and expensive for the patient. Outcomes are poor in relation to the cost of the healthcare system as well.

The Tory Party is obsessed with all things American. Fact is, there are far better healthcare systems in Europe than the American model. The irony is that at the very time that many Americans are clamouring for universal healthcare, the Tories are busy dismantling the NHS.

Tories have trashed this country in so many ways; now, they want to trash the National Health Service, too. Don't let them do it! Once it's trashed, destroyed and gone, we will never get it back. Under the Tories, this country is rotting at the core; and Maggie started that rot (even though many, even I, couldn't see it at the time). Maggie bedazzled many of us, but she really did start the downward spiral. – © Mark Alexander

The Guardian view on the NHS at 75: pride mixed with disappointment: Underfunding and a lack of planning have undermined the health service, but the public is still behind it »

Most doctors think ministers want to destroy NHS, BMA boss says: Philip Banfield says health service is in state of ‘managed decline’ and may not survive next ‘five or 10 years’ »

Tories, hear this: the public still believes in the NHS on its 75th birthday – and we know you don’t: It has suffered years of cuts but the service will recover, because British people understand what it means for our way of life »