Friday, June 17, 2022

One Cool Dude!

This is posted especially for Drakeford, the First Minster of Wales, and Javid, the Health Minister of the United Kingdom, who want to make Wales and the UK smoke-free by 2030. Javid is an ex-smoker. Many ex-smokers are more anti-smoking than people who have never smoked at all. There are none worse than the converted. None more intolerant. Dudes! Nobody gives you the right to take smokers' rights away from them. Please cool it. Trying this on will cause people to turn to worse things than smoking for their kicks. Don’t be naïve! And don’t be killjoys either. Even though I am an ex-smoker, I do not want my country to become smoke-free. Let people get their pleasures and kicks where they can. Life is short. People who work hard deserve their pleasures, even though you personally might not approve of those pleasures. What, I wonder, will be the next bête noire? Alcohol? – © Mark Alexander

With many thanks to for this superb photo, full of expression.