Monday, May 02, 2022

Israel Outrage at Russian Claim That Hitler Was Part Jewish

Lavrov's remarks came days after Israel commemorated the Nazi Holocaust | EPA

BBC: Israel's foreign minister has denounced as "unforgivable" remarks by his Russian counterpart that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler "had Jewish blood".

Russian FM Sergei Lavrov made the comments to try to justify Russia's portrayal of Ukraine as "Nazi" despite the fact that its president is Jewish.

Israel's foreign ministry summoned Russia's ambassador for "clarification" and demanded an apology.

Nazi Germany murdered six million Jews in the Holocaust in World War Two.

Mr Lavrov made the remarks in an interview with the Italian news channel Zona Bianca on Sunday, days after Israel marked Holocaust Remembrance Day, one of the most solemn occasions in the Israeli calendar.

When asked how Russia can claim that it is fighting to "de-Nazify" Ukraine when President Volodymyr Zelensky is himself Jewish, Mr Lavrov said: "So what if Zelensky is Jewish."

"The fact does not negate the Nazi elements in Ukraine. I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood," adding that "some of the worst anti-Semites are Jews." » | Monday, May 2, 2022

«Hitler avait aussi du sang juif» : Israël fustige les propos de Sergueï Lavrov : Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères a ainsi fait référence à la judéité du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky. Israël dénonce des propos «scandaleux, impardonnables et une horrible erreur historique». »