Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Second Coming of Donald Trump: Can He Become President Again? | 60 Minutes Australia

Not everyone in the west thinks Vladimir Putin is a dangerous megalomaniac - no less than former US President Donald Trump has called the man responsible for so much death and destruction in Ukraine a genius. Now of course Trump has made a career out of being unorthodox, and the more unpredictable he is, it seems the more his supporters love him. So much so, Donald Trump is now seriously considering another tilt at the White House. And if you thought it was a wild ride last time he was the leader of the free world, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Donald Trump: Der Ex-Präsident deutet seine Kandidatur für 2024 klar wie selten zuvor an: Trotz seiner Niederlage im Kampf um eine zweite Amtszeit ist Donald Trumps Einfluss auf die amerikanische Politik immer noch enorm. Wie gross ist seine Chance auf ein Comeback? Und welche Gefahr droht ihm durch die Ermittlungen der Justiz? Ein Überblick. »