Saturday, March 12, 2022

McDonald’s in Russia: Departure Is about a Lot More Than Burgers

THE GUARDIAN: Stung by its honeymoon with westernisation, Putin’s way of restoring Russian relevance has been to tear up global norms

Thousands of people gather in Pushkin Square, Moscow, on 31 January 1990 for the opening of the first McDonald’s in the Soviet Union. Photograph: Vitaly Armand/AFP/Getty Images

When the first McDonald’s in Moscow opened 32 years ago, the line of Russians waiting outside was hundreds of metres long, and there were long queues again this week for a last Happy Meal and a slice of history, as the fast-food giant closes its doors in Russia.

The shuttering of 850 McDonald’s franchises around the country is supposed to be temporary, but nothing about the war in Ukraine and the consequent exodus of western companies suggests the rift will be healed any time soon.

McDonald’s’ departure, like its arrival, is about a lot more than burgers. The golden arches of history, that once seemed to be bounding forward, now appear to be turning full circle and threatening to take Russia back in time.

An urban consumer culture built around Visa and Mastercard, Ikea, Nike, Apple, Zara and Netflix has evaporated in a few days.

“There’s just this sickening feeling that they’re going to go back, not to the 1990s, but to the 1970s when you didn’t have access to these things, and when you were living isolated from the rest of the world,” said Prof Angela Stent, a former national intelligence officer for Russia on the National Intelligence Council, now at Georgetown University. » | Julian Borger in Washington | Saturday, March 12, 2022