Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ukraine: Russia Plans Biggest War in Europe since 1945 - Boris Johnson

A screenshot from the accompanying video: Boris Johnson says people need to understand the "sheer cost in human life" war could entail.

BBC: Evidence suggests Russia is planning "the biggest war in Europe since 1945", Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.

He told the BBC's Sophie Raworth in an interview: "All the signs are that the plan has already in some senses begun."

Intelligence suggests Russia intends to launch an invasion that will encircle Ukrainian capital Kyiv, Mr Johnson said.

"People need to understand the sheer cost in human life that could entail," he said.

The prime minister was speaking from Munich, where world leaders are meeting for an annual security conference.

The latest estimates by the US government suggests the number of Russian troops now stationed along Ukraine's border, both in Russia and neighbouring Belarus, is between 169,000 and 190,000. » | BBC | Saturday, February 19, 2022

It has been part of Putin’s game plan all along to weaken the European Union. By coming out of the EU, we Brits have weakened Europe for him and emboldened him to boot. We've done his bidding for him. That is one of the main reasons why Brexit was such a dumb idea from the very start! Now, let me think... I wonder... whom can we thank for that? – © Mark

Johnson warnt vor „größtem Krieg in Europa seit 1945“: Die NATO sieht Anzeichen für einen „vollständigen Angriff“ Russlands auf die Ukraine, Boris Johnson droht mit neuartigen Sanktionen: Im Falle einer Offensive solle russischen Firmen der Zugang zu Dollar und Pfund gekappt werden. »