Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Un baiser amoureux

Ein liebevoller Kuss / A loving kiss

With thanks and gratitude to Absolut. and Google Images for this expressive photo.

Absolut is truly a progressive company. This is a partial quote from their great website:

“Absolut believes in creating a better, more open world…

…One where everyone has the freedom to express their true selves, without fear or recrimination. For 35 years, we have been proud to stand behind the LGBTQ+ community, championing equal love for all. We celebrate the right of individuals to love whomever they choose, wherever they come from. ...” [Read the rest on their great website.] *

* And that is precisely what this website/blog is all about: Creating a more open, free world in which people are at liberty to love whomsoever they choose, without recrimination, fear or violence. We need to rid the world of backward thinking and bigotry. We all have an equal right to love and be loved, regardless of sexual orientation. This website is NOT about SEX; rather, it is about LOVE. It's a celebration of love, gay or straight. And in fact, that’s what true homosexuality should be all about: two men or two women falling in love with each other.

If what you're looking for is pornography, you have come to the wrong website. Click over! You will NEVER see pornography on this blog. – © Mark