Monday, September 27, 2021

Germany Election: SPD Wins Narrow Victory as Merkel Era Ends in Near-deadlock

THE GUARDIAN: Social Democrats edge out Christian Democrats, according to preliminary results, but tight finish leaves third-placed Green party as kingmaker

Germany is set for weeks or even months of protracted coalition talks after the race to succeed Angela Merkel after 16 years in power failed to produce a clear winner, with the centre-left Social Democrats just ahead of the centre-right conservative alliance according to official returns.

Preliminary results released on the election commission’s website showed that the Social Democrats (SPD) led by Olaf Scholz had won the largest share of the vote at 25.7%.

The centre-right CDU-CSU bloc led for so long by the outgoing chancellor garnered 24.1%, its worst showing in its seven-decade history.

The Green party, in jubilant mood after winning 14.8% in its best result in a national poll, despite having lost the lead it held early on and dropping about 13 points since April, was confident of becoming a kingmaker in the upcoming coalition talks. With video » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Monday, September 27, 2021

Merkel’s Party Suffers Sweeping Losses as Germans Spread Vote: The Social Democrats narrowly defeated Angela Merkel’s conservative party on Sunday, setting the stage for tough negotiations to determine who will replace her as chancellor. »

Élections en Allemagne : les sociaux-démocrates remportent les législatives »

Élections allemandes: l’Europe plongée dans l’incertitude »

Der Weg zur Koalition ist mit Konflikten gepflastert. Geht man ihn trotzdem, ist die grösste Gefahr: zu wenig Ehrgeiz: Steuer, Rente, Klima, Bildung, innere Sicherheit – Deutschlands künftiges Regierungsbündnis hat viele Probleme zu lösen. Ein blosser Minimalkonsens reicht da nicht. »