Thursday, June 24, 2021

COVID Incompetence, Waste of £37 Billion Test & Trace and the Privatisation of the NHS

The government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has been lamentable leaving the U.K. 7th of all nations in total number of cases, total number of deaths and in the current daily total of new cases. Boris Johnson failed to attend the first five COBRA meeting, delayed in introducing the first two lockdowns and allowed flights to continue to come to the U.K. from India in April when it was known that this was a risk.

Test & Trace has been a complete waste of money - a staggering £37 billion. The woman who lead this catastrophic failure, Dido Harding, is favourite to become head of the NHS. Her husband, Conservative MP, John Penrose, is advisor to a think tank which favours the replacement of the NHS with an ‘insurance based’ alternative