Monday, April 12, 2021

Philip’s Death Leaves Prince Charles as Patriarch of Royal Family

THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: Prince of Wales will be increasingly at Queen’s side as he takes role at a time of internal divisions

An indisputable truth of hereditary monarchy is that promotion to the “top job” is accompanied by deep personal loss. So it will be for the Prince of Wales, who will eventually take the throne as he mourns his mother.

But the death of his father will have had no less profound an effect on Prince Charles. And, though on any official level it does not alter his royal status, it does change the family dynamic.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s death, as the Queen expressed, has left “a huge void”. Philip was the patriarchal head of “the firm”. This is the mantle Charles will now assume. This role was most symbolically underscored when Charles was the only family member to visit his father during his recent spell in hospital.

He spent 30 minutes at the duke’s bedside at King Edward VII’s hospital in London in February. What words were exchanged between father and son can only be guessed at, and are unlikely to ever be made public. But it was a sombre Charles who emerged with, according to photographers waiting outside, tears glistening in his eyes. » | Caroline Davies | Monday, April 12, 2021