Thursday, October 01, 2020

Religious Group Scrubs All References to Amy Coney Barrett from Its Website

THE GUARDIAN: People of Praise, a tiny charismatic Catholic organization, admits removing mentions and photos of Trump’s supreme court pick

A tiny religious organization tied to Amy Coney Barrett, Donald Trump’s supreme court nominee, sought to erase all mentions and photos of her from its website before she meets with lawmakers and faces questions at her Senate confirmation hearings.

Barrett, a federal appeals judge, has declined to publicly discuss her decades-long affiliation with People of Praise, a Christian group that opposes abortion and holds that men are divinely ordained as the “head” of the family and faith.

Former members have said the group’s leaders teach that wives must submit to the will of their husbands.

A spokesman for the organization has declined to say whether the judge and her husband, Jesse Barrett, are members.

But an analysis by the Associated Press shows that People of Praise erased numerous records from its website during the summer of 2017 that referred to Barrett and included photos of her and her family. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, September 30, 2020