Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Trump Refuses to Denounce White Supremacy | US Presidential Debate Analysis

With just weeks to go until the November 3 election, Donald Trump and Joe Biden went head-to-head in a debate that sought to energize supporters and win over undecided voters. Interruptions, tense exchanges and insults dominated the debate, with moderator Chris Wallace struggling to get a word in. This first debate mainly focused on US domestic issues, with the COVID-19 pandemic, a Supreme Court vacancy, the economy, and racial justice topping the agenda.

Trump also refused to condemn far-right militia groups, including a group known as Proud Boys mentioned by the moderator. "Proud Boys, stand back, stand by, but I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing problem."