Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Donald Trump Refuses to Condemn White Supremacists at Presidential Debate

THE GUARDIAN: President tells Proud Boys, a far-right group often associated with violent protests, to ‘stand back and stand by’

Donald Trump declined to condemn white supremacists and violent rightwing groups during a contentious first presidential debate, instead urging a far-right group known for street brawling to “stand by” and arguing that “somebody’s got to do something” about the left.

The president was asked repeatedly by the moderator, Chris Wallace, to condemn violence by white supremacists and rightwing groups, such as armed militias, as well as criticizing leftwing protesters.

Instead, Trump addressed the Proud Boys, a far-right group whose members have been sentenced to prison for attacking leftwing protesters in political street fights, and said: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.”

The Proud Boys, whose uniform is a black polo shirt, immediately celebrated the president’s comment in posts on social media platform Telegram. One Proud Boys group added the phrase “Stand Back, Stand By” to their logo. Another post was a message to Trump: “Standing down and standing by sir.”

Experts who study extremist groups said Trump’s message was dangerous, and could encourage additional violence.

“A green light like ‘stand back and standby’ is catastrophic,” Kathleen Belew, a historian of American white power movements, wrote on Twitter. » | David Smith, Lois Beckett, Maanvi Singh, Julia Carrie Wong | Wednesday, September 30, 2020